Spellhooks and rez/raise

Ok, I have to venture into a new terrain here, as I have never done spellhooks before. I remember reading pages on the lexicon mentioning them. I guess I could also look over spellhooks in Project Q scripting. But I thought maybe Id query here to see if someone would point me in a good direction.
I believe in keep it simple. So I dont want to alter much else than raise dead and ressurrect, both spells and scrolls as well as related items. This has to do with how death is handled in my mod, from which I take a page from the Baldurs Gate NWN2 mod and a couple of others Ive seen with a Limbo.
So, in my version I just use the normal respawn thing. I let it take the xp and gold as normal, and you respawn at NW_DEATH_TEMPLE in Limbo. When you are in Limbo, you have three options:
1) Talk to a Handmaiden of Fate and be ported to your last bind location.
2) Talk to Mephistopheles if you want permadeath (if you RP a permadeath you can get perks for alts depending on the level of the character you chose to have meet their maker)
3) Hang about in the ghoulish waiting room for another PC to raise or rez you.
So, with number 3 there is where the spellhook becomes necessary. When a player dies, they respawn in Limbo and leave behind a corpse item. So ressurrection and raise need to work on this corpse item, whether it is still a ground spawn or if it got picked up. Im pretty sure as it is now, it will only target player characters.
Anyone have any hints for me?
I believe in keep it simple. So I dont want to alter much else than raise dead and ressurrect, both spells and scrolls as well as related items. This has to do with how death is handled in my mod, from which I take a page from the Baldurs Gate NWN2 mod and a couple of others Ive seen with a Limbo.
So, in my version I just use the normal respawn thing. I let it take the xp and gold as normal, and you respawn at NW_DEATH_TEMPLE in Limbo. When you are in Limbo, you have three options:
1) Talk to a Handmaiden of Fate and be ported to your last bind location.
2) Talk to Mephistopheles if you want permadeath (if you RP a permadeath you can get perks for alts depending on the level of the character you chose to have meet their maker)
3) Hang about in the ghoulish waiting room for another PC to raise or rez you.
So, with number 3 there is where the spellhook becomes necessary. When a player dies, they respawn in Limbo and leave behind a corpse item. So ressurrection and raise need to work on this corpse item, whether it is still a ground spawn or if it got picked up. Im pretty sure as it is now, it will only target player characters.
Anyone have any hints for me?
I would note though, that placeables as corpses is an extremely outdated way of doing this.
Myself and many other PW scripters have already designed much better death systems that utilize an actual body (creature object) that looks exactly like the dead player.
These corpses can be picked up, moved, stripped naked, raised, ressurected, or burned to ashes.
Your HCR page is great, but I've already started to implement a persistence and bind point system of my own, also I have my own deity system. But I did upvote your HCR page for you, because it looks great. Maybe later, when I have things more fleshed out, Ill look it over in detail to see if there are bits I can salvage from it for things I didnt work out myself.
I'm pretty much trying to do as much of the script design myself as possible, though in some cases like Scarface's death system up there, the factor of familiarity to old school NWN players is more important. His death system is actually precisely what I was looking for, its pretty much the same as in BGTOTSC for NWN2.
I remember Scarface's stuff from waaaay back on the vault, and reading how he writes cracked me up.