Why people keep asking Beamdog to add already made community mods.

There are typically two types of populated PWs. Ones that use no haks. And ones that only use CEP. Yes of course there are quite a few that use other haks but then you run into the second problem. Players who download no haks or players who will only download CEP because of the first issue.
This is speaking from my own experiences though. I've tried a couple PWs over the years that required additional hacks but my friends wouldnt play on them and they were mostly unpopulated.
I definitely love a lot of stuff the community has made and I really want it to be used and seen by all players and I believe that if the steam workshop is implemented FOR SURE then the community haks will do just fine.
Until that happens though I completely understand why so many people (myself included) are asking Beamdog to implement things like hands, heads, animations, ceilings, everything graphical, etc.
It's going to have to be one or the other. Either we get full worshop support and we use community haks like theres no tomorrow or people are going to keep asking Beamdog to make the changes.
This is speaking from my own experiences though. I've tried a couple PWs over the years that required additional hacks but my friends wouldnt play on them and they were mostly unpopulated.
I definitely love a lot of stuff the community has made and I really want it to be used and seen by all players and I believe that if the steam workshop is implemented FOR SURE then the community haks will do just fine.
Until that happens though I completely understand why so many people (myself included) are asking Beamdog to implement things like hands, heads, animations, ceilings, everything graphical, etc.
It's going to have to be one or the other. Either we get full worshop support and we use community haks like theres no tomorrow or people are going to keep asking Beamdog to make the changes.
I for one see BD as scripters/coders and not model creators. I really don't think they are going to change any of the old tilesets at all. Now you might get them to change character models maybe but I don't see them doing much more then that if that.
This is why I'm creating overrides for the standard tilesets. This way the ones who want to download the haks that change the looks of the standard tilesets can and the ones who don't want to doesn't have to.
Neverwinter Nights Revamped (NWNR)
Project Page (For Downloads)
So maybe modders are seen as hackers peddling unstable mods and keygens on unscrupulous sites for which the game wasn't originally designed to handle. Then it sort of makes sense if they demand "professionals" to do simple stuff and recreate content that already exists.
I think NWN can definitely be improved with better global messaging that explains what NWN is and why it's different to other games. It should also include multi-lingual tutorials for what you can do with it, how you're supposed to create things, install mods, how to drag a file into the hak folder, how to drag-drop a file into the override folder, how to make mods, how to use the portraits folder and so on. Some simple things could be improved but I don't think the demands for Beamdog to do modder stuff will change unless the messaging is improved.
I was simply pointing out what I believe is the reason people keep asking beamdog despite the fact that they are available on the vault and perhaps people could be a little more understanding about it.