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Additional Class or Race

Any chance of adding a few new classes or prestige classes ? If not at least some sub-races, done pretty much most combinations would really like to try a fresh character with something new if I buy this enhanced edition.


  • BalanorBalanor Member Posts: 176
    edited January 2018
    It sounds like module designers will, for sure, gain the ability to add custom classes since Beamdog plans to revamp the UI to have the Race field at character creation as a drop-down (which means custom content creators can add their own to it). And technically someone could add their own custom class (see the PRC already) if they know how.

    Whether or not Beamdog implements new classes or races of their own once they have opened this functionality up remains to be seen.
  • ShadowolfXIIIShadowolfXIII Member Posts: 5
    It be cool if the added not classes or prestige classes I love to see the werewolf class from Baldur's Gate back for Druid that and playing as a Kolbolt or gnoll be cool in BG2EE I have Gnoll character through a save editor just be cool to play on without editing.
  • DM_DjinnDM_Djinn Member Posts: 112
    It's already possible to add new prestige classes and base classes, because EE pre-loads haks for the player. So you can select modified skills and things at level 1 during character generation.

    Our server added 4 prestige classes (blighter, bladesinger, blackcoat and spellfire channeler) as well as a base class of Warlock.
  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 422
    Did NWN:EE make it so we can add new spellcasting classes or do we still have to use wonky workarounds?
  • ValgavValgav Member Posts: 25
    @Nic_Mercy Not (hopefully) yet.
  • raz651raz651 Member Posts: 175
    They are talking about opening up the parts where it is hard coded so it will be easier for us to modify and add new classes. I think this is where it was added on the Trello board.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    No that's requirement parameters for additional things like genders and variables. So like you can do now with requiring a variable and then checking gender with script and toggling the variable. Except it will work different somehow, I'm not really sure what that card is about since that already works.

    The same thing goes for adding classes, adding feats, adding spells. The things you can't do are more nuanced like spellbooks, and while you can add active feats it's more complicated than it needs to be.
  • raz651raz651 Member Posts: 175
    Ok, this may be the one I read. It is on the input trello board.
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