Skill required to Find Traps vs. Disarm Traps?

I'm curious, if I were to have a front-row Fighter/Thief with high Detect Traps and a back-row Thief/Mage with low Detect Traps, I know a Fighter/Thief in front wearing plate armor would be better protected and positioned to detect traps, but what I don't know is if after detection I could have the Thief/Mage (in a mage robe) come forward and disarm the trap if their skill level is low? In other words, is the skill level only used for detecting the trap in the first place but not for disarming it, or both?
in bg2/ToB 95% is enough to disarm every trap except for the ones inside Prebek's home ( those ones require 100 )
and i just took a look at some traps in BG1 and yes some of the disarm scores are different from the find trap scores, sometimes they are the same, sometimes they are off by a difference of 40, but in every case the disarm score is always higher than the find score
the other follows near by ready to disarm them. as soon as i spot enemies i fall back, buff for the battle, set my own traps and then lure the enemy into them, so i am sure that i don't risk to fall in some not detected trap as i am fighting and that i use the terrain features to my advantage.
as usually i go with only one thief he has to detect and disarm, but the rest of the procedure is not changed. anyway try to not overlap the skills of your thieves, unless you plan to drop later one of them.
some other players can think that this is silly as is more than 15 years that i am playing the game, so i know perfectly where is each trap and each enemy. but even if i know i like to act exactly as i would do my first time in an area. ok, if i know that in a dungeon there are no traps i go straight, my gaming time is limited, but other way i really do as i told. this because i don't like to use the knowledge i have to take advantage, if i can spot not spotted the enemy i prepare and set traps, if i can not (cause an enemy sees trough invisibility or for whatever other reason) i go only with the long lasting protections i routinely use in dungeons (like stoneskin for my mages) and give to the enemy the tactical advantage of the surprise, the ambush, that he is supposed to have.