A couple things I'd like to see in NWN:EE

A couple things I'd like to see in NWN:EE
1.) Override Folder that works like NWN2. Folders can be read from inside of the Override folder similar to how they are read like NWN2, you can put folders with things in them - So you can organize the inside the override folder itself.
2.) Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum. I'd like to have the mixed currency in the game.
3.) Drow as a playable race. No need to explain.
4.) Elemental races as playable races. Just like the ones from NWN2, or even different ones.
5.) Half-Troll playable race. Enough said. Lets have half-trolls as playable race.
6.) Half-Dragon playable race. Again, enough said.
7.) Frenzied Berserker class. I'd love to be able to add a Frenzied Berserker as a class.
These are just a few of my thoughts. I'll post more if I can come up with some.
1.) Override Folder that works like NWN2. Folders can be read from inside of the Override folder similar to how they are read like NWN2, you can put folders with things in them - So you can organize the inside the override folder itself.
2.) Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum. I'd like to have the mixed currency in the game.
3.) Drow as a playable race. No need to explain.
4.) Elemental races as playable races. Just like the ones from NWN2, or even different ones.
5.) Half-Troll playable race. Enough said. Lets have half-trolls as playable race.
6.) Half-Dragon playable race. Again, enough said.
7.) Frenzied Berserker class. I'd love to be able to add a Frenzied Berserker as a class.
These are just a few of my thoughts. I'll post more if I can come up with some.
There are some issues with dragonborn as a race of dragon-like humanoids for example I think the idea was that they only existed on the Forgotten Realms parallel dimension so they could add them in later editions to the realms. Later on designers also figured out that lizards don't have breasts so they look slightly different.
the override folder option would be very useful.
the currency option. hm. i don't miss it but yea, it is a nice dnd pnp feature.
I think it's far more important that they give us the ability to implement the races and classes we want more fully... then let the custom content folks go nuts with it.
As for Half-trolls, why not just add a "make me an overpowered munchkin" option on the difficulty slider?
I'm all for playable Drow, provided all the citizens of Neverwinter attack you on sight or run screaming for the guards.