Getting Sarevok to talk to me
I'm about to battle the fire giant Bhaalspawn and I'm waiting for Sarevok to speak to me. So far, Sarevok has only spoken twice: once to Jaheira and once to Aerie. How long will it take for him to initiate a dialogue with me?
I'm playing a lawful neutral character. Is my character alignment the issue? Do I need to have a good character in order for Sarevok to begin changing to chaotic good?
I'm playing a lawful neutral character. Is my character alignment the issue? Do I need to have a good character in order for Sarevok to begin changing to chaotic good?
If you want to trigger a dialogue between 2 specific characters (for your case it'll be Charname and Sarevok) Just separate the party NPCs at a distance and keep the 2 characters you want to talk close together while you hold down CTRL+i, it's the best way to force certain dialogue (especially with Imoen and Charname since talking to her in ToB gives her Bhaalspawn powers.) but overall I found myself using this tactic a lot since banters never occurred for me in the first 1/3 of SoA.
And if memory serves (it might not) you can have killed Sarevok's path to goodness already, if you had him swear allegiance to you.. think you have to say "nah, it's cool brah, just come along"
never done this with him before so decided to do it this time, but soon killed both the bhaalspawn after yaga shura and he have not spoken to anyone, other that that he is grumpy that we are doing good, but been no pause for conversation at all....and no I never asked him to swear....
global variables :
16 Days and 1 hour since TOB started(maybe trigger is depending on time and how many hours of resting?)