Replicating IE "?" (Interest Points)

IE engine games featured something I liked quite a lot, "points of interest". A "?" would appear while hovering over one, then clicking would show some text such as "These barrels contain a murky liquid. It smells like a cross between vinegar and formaldehyde." (Planescape Torment, Mortuary Barrels in the level where you wake up).
How do you feel this would be best replicated in NWNEE modules?
How do you feel this would be best replicated in NWNEE modules?
so you could disable player to highlight anything - that would practically do what you want, player would have to hover with mouse over every placeable to figure whether that placeable is useable or not, therefore the "point of interest" placeable would be any placeable with OnClick script that prints feedback over that placeable.
In NWN:EE you will have to suffice without overriding highlighting, won't be as close but even the printing message when clicked on placeable could bring the feel you desire...