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How do I get items from haks to show up in the toolset?

I'm clearly not understanding something, here, and a complete noob when it comes to modding. I've got the haks from the CEP loaded up in the order they recommend, and I'm not seeing a lot of the stuff from the CCCs that should be in there. I do see some of the stuff, like falchions and nunchaku. I'm specifically trying to get this stuff to show up at one point I tried pulling in that original hak and putting it at the top of the load order, but still nothing.

I've also added NWN The Dark Sun and don't see any of the items from those haks. I've tried loading them at the top and below CEP in hak order, too.

Is there some step I'm missing, or am I just looking in the wrong places for these items? I don't see them anywhere under Paint Items or under the Item Wizard.


  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    Likely these haks did not come with the item templates. You can create them yourself (assuming you have the hak orders right, and properly loaded) by modifying or creating a new weapon template yourself, and selecting the correct base item, and the appearances.

    I have not downloaded these haks to check if they have item templates, so this is just a guess.

    Otherwise, you have some kind of hak order issue, or you are missing some content that is required for these haks to work. (Custom TLK? You may need to merge the TLK files, but once again I am unsure of what exactly your problem is)
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Gotcha. I realized I do have the new models and stuff for existing base items in the item wizard, but new base items like tortoise blades, wrist razors and gythka aren't showing up. Looks like there's no tlk file for those. Apparently new base items need a tlk file, so I guess that's another thing I need to learn about. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    I finally got it working! I'm all excited that it works, but feeling completely stupid that it took me all day to figure this little thing out. Loading stuff out of a non-default tlk file is super goofy, too, since when you reference it in a 2da you have to add 16,777,216 to the value. I still need to figure out what's up when I place it on the ground. I had it set to use the generic bag icon, but it looks like a couple of sticks. Oh well, I'm making progress.

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