What ambient occlusion and depth of field looks like in custom tilesets

I really like the new ambient occlusion. To show what it looks like in custom tilesets, I made a video and uploaded it to Youtube. https://youtu.be/8p-c5unTTPU
Once I've added normal maps and spec maps, I'll make a new video. This time I will also not forget to turn the skybox override on.
This might not be the right place for this kind of post. If there's a better place, please feel free to move it.
I wasn't sure where to put this post.
Once I've added normal maps and spec maps, I'll make a new video. This time I will also not forget to turn the skybox override on.
This might not be the right place for this kind of post. If there's a better place, please feel free to move it.
I wasn't sure where to put this post.
I guess my own custom SSAO shador is a bit tougher then yours but anyway. The improved 3d looks makes the whole environment much more to enjoy.
{For anyone that's never done it before, you'll need to download the latest version of haks, throw them in your hak folder (the Documents one, not the hk folder at your game location), then open/create your module in the toolset and Edit > Module Properties > Custom Content (tab) to select and associate the haks with your module. Then create an area and select your new tileset from those available! Some projects will come with demo modules you can load instead, to play with them right away.}
If not, can we add to our Steam toolset with these external haks?
In that sense, being on the Workshop wouldn't currently help you--you'd have to manually move the files to Documents anyway.
Download them off the Vault and your Steam toolset will be able to use them.