Placables limit?

I seem to remember there was some kind of arbitary limit to placables. I think... it was project-wide, so if you made a series of areas highly detailed (overly detailed), you'd end up running over the limit. And the only way around that was to stop and start the new areas in a new module.
So, is this being looked at? Is my memory about this stuff even correct? It was something like that, right?
So, is this being looked at? Is my memory about this stuff even correct? It was something like that, right?
The two hard limits you can easily hit:
- The module can contain only 16k resources. This includes scripts, creatures, placeables, etc.. But only the actual resource files - if you make a custom creature, and place it down 10 times, it only counts as a single resource.
- The custom palette can contain only 16k entries per type. You hit this one by avoiding the first one: because the 16k is on the module, you can bypass it by putting some items in a hak. So you put 10k custom creatures in a hak, and 10k in the module. Now your server dies when a DM joins.
The second one is just a bug and should be fixed. The first is a limitation and needs more work to get removed.
As for number of placeables in the entire project - if they are static, they generally only affect loading time and client rendering. Each static placeable is still in the AI master list, so it marginally eats perf.
Oh, and each loaded placeable is around 1kb memory in the server process, so capped by your memory, that comes down to ~3 million placeables.
Refresh my memory exactly how this module limit works, please.
Is that 16K worth of resource files (i.e. if my Temp folder while the module is open has more than 16,000 files in it, I'm over the limit)?
Plus up to 50 haks with up to 16k files each.
As for the 16k resources - I'm not sure but I believe the .nss files don't count against it, just the .ncs ones. There's a few others that don't count, but they are too rare to matter.
I just tried adding 20k uncompiled .nss files to a module and had no issues with it.
I also found this thread detailing it a bit more:
and a quick look at the disassembly seems to confirm it, but I didn't go too deep.