more voice talent
I've created many playable characters, I've used up all the voice sets!
If there's an expansion, I hope there is more voice talent.
Is voice talent for an original 17 year-old game an easy find?
If there's an expansion, I hope there is more voice talent.
Is voice talent for an original 17 year-old game an easy find?
If Beamdog want to create new voicesets it's incredibly easy to find professional voiceactors to do it. You can vote on the trello boards to request more -
Currently we can add our sounds to the 2da file, but from what I understand we can't add new subtitles, which appear above the character when they use a V chat command.
We're also hoping that the community will be able to create and attach new subtitles to the voicesets in the future.
1500 TomFighter vsf_tomwar **** 0 0
Then add all the Wav files (and the SSF) to your override folder.
Sadly I haven't found a way to get subtitles to not play BADSTR all the time. If anyone can advise me on that, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Every time i log in, i should see a whole rank of new or other voicesets to try out and change, and these should just be added everyday by anyone who wants to contribute . a central cloud sort of repository of voices for people to access upon login. editing 2das etc is just not user friendly enough, given the hge power of voiesets to snag the whole world of players.
i think lotro has some minimal voiceset ability. But if nwn did a big voiceset community upgrade as suggested, that alone would propel nwn to number one mmo in the entire world. maybe that would be cheaper than a gfx upgrade, and would already assure victory for nwn (imho).
Yeah if it was easier there'd be more voicesets from amateur voice actors. Pretty confident of that.