modifying the auto leveler for npc's

Currently, when auto leveling an npc/mob you must start off with an unmodified level 1 creature or the auto leveler will fail.
In many cases that is well enough, but I find the system extremely limiting. Firstly, it seams the engine is hard coded to not accept more than the number of defined lines in the 2da defining the path of progression for a creature based on its race. As the game is based on AD&D 3.0 This means you cannot create the differing advancement paths for the varoius exceptions within the different variations possible for creature within the same possible race.
Removing the hard code limit of lines the engine will read in the specific 2da would allow creators to create instances of the various creature that exist within the d&d universe or something that would be unique.
A developer would no longer need to create all those different levels of the same critter in the tool set, instead merely call up the autoleveler and level the creature needed for the specific instance from the base critter in the toolset.
possibly something akin to using packages might be a better answer...feats, skills, special abilities.....
In many cases that is well enough, but I find the system extremely limiting. Firstly, it seams the engine is hard coded to not accept more than the number of defined lines in the 2da defining the path of progression for a creature based on its race. As the game is based on AD&D 3.0 This means you cannot create the differing advancement paths for the varoius exceptions within the different variations possible for creature within the same possible race.
Removing the hard code limit of lines the engine will read in the specific 2da would allow creators to create instances of the various creature that exist within the d&d universe or something that would be unique.
A developer would no longer need to create all those different levels of the same critter in the tool set, instead merely call up the autoleveler and level the creature needed for the specific instance from the base critter in the toolset.
possibly something akin to using packages might be a better answer...feats, skills, special abilities.....
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