What things can you do in NWN which no other online rpger/mmo let's you do today? (unique stuff)

So I came to thinking about all the things which playing nwn online let's me do, which i later found no other mmo today let's me do. All the things I missed. I'll post more as i remember them i guess. But here's a first one:
1) I can run into a new server of players. Become their friend. Roleplay as a sorc who runs around casting Tasha's Hideous laughter on new players and then run away ><
1) I can run into a new server of players. Become their friend. Roleplay as a sorc who runs around casting Tasha's Hideous laughter on new players and then run away ><
* Any server that matches their version of the game (1.69 or NWN:EE beta).
well in nwn you can go max level instantly on any build/race/class. it just means the universe of possible play is so much more ginormous. Envious of the awesome Druid build you just lost to in team pvp? Go build you own and try to see how much you can emulate. Is it just the build? or gameplay? Everything is possible in nwn. Not so in other mmos.
NWN does.
President of USA suit (yup all in red white and blue, during 2nd Gulf War). Was instantly recognised by DMs, character was instantly banned -.-)
Wonder Woman
The Hulk
I think Capn America is possible too btw
(come to think of it, i might have been one of the very first in mmos to have done all this, superheroes in rpgs on mmos...)
(there are games like Champions Online which let you kind of do similar things, but not to the same level of detailed customisation that nwn let's you do. You can even pick your weapon colour highlights and weapon colour glows in NWN. Champions Online doesnt let you do that)
NWN is the only mmo that let's you have a derpy troll as a companion, or a dragon, or Predator-looking Celestial Avenger, or which let's you cast Dominate on any NPC or monster in the game and have it follow+ fight for you around in a daze with a blue sparkly halo....
no other mmo let's you do that, as far as i can remember. does WoW let you do that? it's just the amazing spell mechanics and variety. great world-thinking by the devs :}
1) If you want, and subject to the server's rules, you can build an archer with a massive on hit damage by crafting arrows/ammo with on-hit properties.
2) You can choose to play a monkish style high speed archer with Zen Archery and wisdom spells.
3) You can choose to add in hidey abilities into your archer build, letting him/her skulk unseen. maybe like assassins creed.
4) and even more besides: ranger, druid, cleric, shapeshifter,shadowdancer etc etc.... not to mention feats and spells and bard song. sort of endless.
Single player
Lan multi-player
Lan dm game
Internet multiplayer
Internet dm game
Internet persistent world game
Or have I missed any?