Are the dice rolls rigged?

I’ve always wondered this about the game. I’ve sat there as a low level pc and watched double 1’s, really low and crappy rolls. Playing on a PW, I failed a save vs slow trap with a 3 like about 5 times in a row at different times. Then other times at higher level I get more crits and stuff. Or so it seems. Does anyone know if the engine actually uses a random generator for rolls or perhaps a group of number arrays set to pc CR or something?
If I charge into battle with KD, I almost always seem to succeed if I get initiative.
If I charge into battle with KD, I almost always seem to succeed if I get initiative.
While not NWN I've seen a lot of statistically impossible streaks happen several times a session while playing NWN2, but that was with circumstances generating many multiple saves.
void main() { object oPC = GetLastUsedBy(); int iOnes; int iTwos; int iThrees; int iFours; int iCount; for (iCount = 0; iCount < 4000; iCount++) { int iRandom = Random(4)+1; if (iRandom == 1) iOnes++; if (iRandom == 2) iTwos++; if (iRandom == 3) iThrees++; if (iRandom == 4) iFours++; } SendMessageToPC(oPC, "Ones: "+IntToString(iOnes)+"\nTwos: "+IntToString(iTwos) +"\nThrees: "+IntToString(iThrees)+"\nFours: "+IntToString(iFours)); }
On occasion just because of chance you will roll each number 4 times in a row..or even possibly more. But over time and the more iterations it will all even out.
Or as my old maths teacher once said.
Today we’re going to study the science of probability, although some would argue there’s no such thing.
There is a tiny bias towards lower numbers, but you'll notice it once in 4000 rolls at worst, and likely once in 200 million rolls. Not something you should be concerned about.
There were indeed problems with random seed. The client re-seeds the RNG based on static objects and tiles in the area. This is done so that the randomly placed grass is placed in the same spot for all clients. In versions prior to 1.65, the game would then forget to reset this seed, resulting in repeatable random sequences. That has since been fixed.
Wow! Thankyou very much for the explanation. That is really interesting to find out. I’m really tempted to copy and paste that into the ‘Did you know’ thread!