Expandable chests, etc

You know what I remember getting really annoyed with?
The way that sometimes I'd find all my stolen gear nicely presented to me on 7-8 pages of some chest or other. It'd all be randomized, but I was amazed that a single chest could actually show me page after page after page of all my stuff.
Why can't normal chests act that way? I'm all the time running out of chest space, and since I am, I'm forced to just lay everything out on the ground, in piles. But, as I've said, I've seen these chests with page after page of equipment. So, why not just add functionality to all chests, or maybe you have different classes of chests. Small, medium, large, huge, etc. Small might just have that single page you can drag you gear onto. But medium could offer two pages.
Not that I want different chests like that. I'd much rather just have the ability to manually expand them like I've seen the game do. After I empty them, they go back to one-page chests again. What's more, if I close and open them again, they automatically condense them, so there is no preserving those 8 pages.
So... solution? I don't have pics of the piles that build up, due to lack of storage space. But, I'm due to start playing ago, so I might be able to take a screen shot if needed. Just picture: row after row after row of armor and weapons and arrows and things. Row after row.
Or is there already a mod that expands chests? I'll take it if there is.
Edit: Oh right. I should actually say that I really like finding different categories of bags of holding. 20%. 40%, 60%, etc. I really love finding those kinds of bags. But, that's to do with weight and being able to carry more stuff with you. Different than in-place storage chests.
The way that sometimes I'd find all my stolen gear nicely presented to me on 7-8 pages of some chest or other. It'd all be randomized, but I was amazed that a single chest could actually show me page after page after page of all my stuff.
Why can't normal chests act that way? I'm all the time running out of chest space, and since I am, I'm forced to just lay everything out on the ground, in piles. But, as I've said, I've seen these chests with page after page of equipment. So, why not just add functionality to all chests, or maybe you have different classes of chests. Small, medium, large, huge, etc. Small might just have that single page you can drag you gear onto. But medium could offer two pages.
Not that I want different chests like that. I'd much rather just have the ability to manually expand them like I've seen the game do. After I empty them, they go back to one-page chests again. What's more, if I close and open them again, they automatically condense them, so there is no preserving those 8 pages.
So... solution? I don't have pics of the piles that build up, due to lack of storage space. But, I'm due to start playing ago, so I might be able to take a screen shot if needed. Just picture: row after row after row of armor and weapons and arrows and things. Row after row.
Or is there already a mod that expands chests? I'll take it if there is.
Edit: Oh right. I should actually say that I really like finding different categories of bags of holding. 20%. 40%, 60%, etc. I really love finding those kinds of bags. But, that's to do with weight and being able to carry more stuff with you. Different than in-place storage chests.
What can cause a placeable to remove extra pages of inventory space, and revert to the one page is the scripting attached to that placeable. If there is something in the script on close event, that causes it to dump items in it, or destroy those items, or fling those items at near by goblins, that will fire every time the PC closes the chest.
Without knowing what chest scripts are in your mod that you are playing, I would guess that someone didn't want items to be stored persistently.