Enhanced Inventory - Suggestions for NWN: EE
Hey guys, not really sure if I'm putting this in the right place so feel free to move it where it belongs. I want to start a discussion about how the inventory screen in Neverwinter Nights could be improved in the enhanced edition so hopefully we can get it to their attention and up on the trello board or something.
Personally, I think the inventory screen really needs ways to search for and categorize items. A lot of the times when my inventory is cluttered and full and I loot something its a matter of guessing where it ended up and in which page, and in times of dire need I always wish I had a search bar to just be able to type the first few letters of something and have it appear. It seems like the only way now to organize the inventory is to dedicate bags, boxes, or pages to specific items. It'd be nice to have a way to categorize things by their type, like in a time of need being able to view all the weapons in your inventory quickly.
What do you guys think?
Personally, I think the inventory screen really needs ways to search for and categorize items. A lot of the times when my inventory is cluttered and full and I loot something its a matter of guessing where it ended up and in which page, and in times of dire need I always wish I had a search bar to just be able to type the first few letters of something and have it appear. It seems like the only way now to organize the inventory is to dedicate bags, boxes, or pages to specific items. It'd be nice to have a way to categorize things by their type, like in a time of need being able to view all the weapons in your inventory quickly.
What do you guys think?
I would personally really like an "autosort" button, like NWN 2 did as well. You could even have a dropdown for it to choose how it sorts items, like by type, value, alphabetical, weight etc. - All that would go a long way to making inventory management easier in my eyes.
I had forgotten NWN2 had all items take up one slot. Might as well just use a list if everything is the same size.
I really hope they can redo the equipment icons though. The old ones were always a bit cartoony and would look very out of place compared to the enhanced Hall of Justice for instance.
A part of the game is inventory management, I don't really agree with a search bar either.
What I would like though is to see container size increased (bags/boxes in your inventory alongside chest placable containers so more can be placed on a single page equivalent to an inventory page) and that bags and boxes can be left open even while moving around so someone could organize a bag with all their consumables they'd want to use and have them in one place not having to pause in combat to open said bag.
- Any (default)
- Ammo
- Armor
- Shields
- Weapons
- Consumables (wands, potions, and scrolls)
- Miscellaneous (anything that isn't ammo, armor, shield, weapon, or consumable)
On the main inventory page, I would like to see an auto-sort button which would sort items to the appropriate tab or container.TR
In addition a related option I would like added to the nwnplayer .ini file is an option to turn off the encumbrance movement rate hit when overloaded with loot. I know that might be ba for "realism" reasons but on the other hand the slow down in gameplay is takes too much fun out of the game for compulsive hoarders like me who need to gather every speck of loot.
Of course another option might be to include in the game a default merchant the player can summon to sell stuff to whenever they want - such a merchant might not have an initial inventory and may be set to never buy or sell at a favourable rate.
EDIT: oh its on the trello too. and apparently active. that's good. https://trello.com/c/UQCyCcpJ/160-make-ui-fully-scalable-at-any-resolution