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First expansion for the EE-


That is all.

thanks =P


  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    yes I agree, been too long!
  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
    Good idea, though I'd vote for the REAL sequel to PS:T (Tides of Numenera was a bit disappointing, to be honest).
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited February 2018
    This would be awesome. I'm actually up for anything outside of the Forgotten Realms, not that I'm a Realm hater. It's just that's mostly what we get these days, and I love variety.

    I'm really itching for some Eberron. All we've had is an RTS and an MMO. If they did Ravenloft first, I'd love to see it second.

    Some more Planescape would be awesome, but I don't think I'd want a PS:T sequel or prequel done in Neverwinter. I feel like it should play similarly to PS:T if it were ever done.
  • deserkdeserk Member Posts: 35
    Given that this is a Forgotten Realms game, I'd definitely want whatever it turns out to be, to stay with FR. If something is to be done in another setting, it should be another game. This would also ensure whatever content comes along with an expansion (like PrCs, feats, etc) is related and appropriate to the setting, and means most PW can use it or have use for it, since most PWs are FR-based. I don't think it is a smart choice for Beamdog not to utilize the setting of the original game while still calling it Neverwinter Nights.

    And there are countless interesting lands and places in FR beyond the conventional ones that most often pop up in the video games, and personally I am really eager to see some of those places beyond the Sword Coast/Western Heartlands; places such as the Moonshae Isles, Chult, Calimshan, Shining South, etc.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited March 2018
    deserk said:

    Given that this is a Forgotten Realms game, I'd definitely want whatever it turns out to be, to stay with FR. If something is to be done in another setting, it should be another game. This would also ensure whatever content comes along with an expansion (like PrCs, feats, etc) is related and appropriate to the setting, and means most PW can use it or have use for it, since most PWs are FR-based. I don't think it is a smart choice for Beamdog not to utilize the setting of the original game while still calling it Neverwinter Nights.

    And there are countless interesting lands and places in FR beyond the conventional ones that most often pop up in the video games, and personally I am really eager to see some of those places beyond the Sword Coast/Western Heartlands; places such as the Moonshae Isles, Chult, Calimshan, Shining South, etc.

    I agree there are plenty of cool FR settings to cover. I disagree that this being an FR game makes it so official content has to be FR. If you look here, most D&D games end up being Forgotten Realms: List of D&D games. I would argue that variety is nice, and we've had too many Forgotten Realms games and not enough games in the other interesting settings.

    However, I will say that given the current course of D&D, I don't really expect anything official to be something outside of the Forgotten Realms. So I would totally be up for regions we haven't seem much of, particularly Chult and Zakhara.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    Trouble is Atari (or was it Bioware, can't remeber) reportedly got into trouble with WotC when they wanted to create (or rather get other groups to do it) non-FR premium modules. It's all down to the contract.

  • TazeraTazera Member Posts: 9
    Expedition to Castle Ravenloft
  • AzimnAzimn Member Posts: 24
    With Ravenloft being so hot right now they might be up for it. I know it gets my vote.
  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 424
    I wouldn't mind staying in the Forgotten Realms but also have no objection to a different setting. What I would like is a new story, not a sequel to something. Whatever may come though, I'd like it to be something that goes all the way from 1 to 40 even if its across multiple xpacs to get there.
  • fetito666fetito666 Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 204
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    A while ago I was talking about other places in forgotten realms and looking into those places and there's so many choices and we've barely scratched the surface on these games, one idea sounded really good to me was starting on some Moonshae Isles than heading to Waterdeep and finishing on Zakhara.

    Looking up info on Zahkara sounded very interesting, Pirate infested waters, Genies pulling strings, Demon infested cities, Sorcerers wielding strange magic, flightless Dragons (Vishap) that run jump & climb fast and prefer to stalk prey (camouflage scales) and wait for them to be vulnerable and if cornered in their lairs will likely have escape routes making killing them a total pain, no breath attack, no fear aura & no magic but can have spell-like abilities (sleep, invisibility, suggestion, charm monster, undetectable lie), sneaky very alert and will wait for you to be vulnerable.

    They could make 2 or 3 expansions with a larger connected plot.
  • DhariusDharius Member Posts: 665
    I'd like to see NWN2:EE too, if possible :)
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i personally don't think nwn 2 needs an ee as i feel it runs fine. but i run windows 7 so no idea if people with 10 are having issues.
  • Windows 10 either doesnt run NVWN 2 or doesnt run it well, has problems.

    Also more, some people are going with Hybrid PC/Apple computee Tablets, Tablets, IOS, Android Mobile Smart Phones, over PC's, for their business, gaming wants, needs, etc.

    This, that is the biggest reason Beamdog has done enhanced editions of Classic Roleplaying games, like BG, BG2, IWD, Planescape, NWN, etc.

    Those games dont need enhanced editions. But they did needed to be made available on Tablets, Mobile, Hybrids.

    And if going to do that, might as well enhance it, them.

    I am glad that BG, BG2, IWD, Planescape, NWN, are on my phone.

    I hope, wish Temple of Elemental Evil EE, and Pools of Radiance, Ruins of Myth Drannor EE, NVWN 2 EE end up on my phone as well.
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    I hope any official campaigns in the future would play more like real D&D, or BG. I mean...

    - a party of 3-6 characters with full control in single player, or multiplayer
    - no unlimited resting for full recovery i.e. party composition and resource management matters
    - no respawning
  • JFKJFK Member Posts: 214
    edited March 2019
    I'll be glad of any new expansion/campaign/module. Personally, the most untapped potential in NWN I see to this day is in small-party MP modules, run by a DM-player. Imagine if you will <Rod Serling voice>:

    A series of modules, designed to be DM-led, which start a group of players at level 1 and adventure them upward. Imagine the locations each new module could showcase.

    1. Professionally designed -canon- areas, NPCs, artifacts.
    2. Professionally designed storylines, dialogue options, encounters *See NOTE 1
    3. Professional DM maps, tools, notes, and 'practice encounters/scenarios'. Cut-and-Paste dialogues if the DM wants to do that; basic NPC dialogues if the DM wants that.
    4. Optional non-DM play. I know, this might be tough, but it ought to be possible, even if not as fun.

    NOTE 1:
    Stock NPCs can have automated dialogues and 1-liners, as well as ambient animations/ designated roles. Any unique or important NPCs can have the core dialogues too, so non-DM play COULD be done (but not recommended).

    Meh, I'm babbling.

    I just feel like there are a lot of RP games, single-player, MP, etc. But there's really only one NWN. It seems like the uniqueness of the game - the potential- hasn't be exploited very much. Yet.


    Edit: I forgot an important point. Due to the smaller scope of individual packets, production might be quicker than with a single massive expansion. This might generate revenue for BD, which would promote the continuation of the series. Just a thought. jfk
  • shabadooshabadoo Member Posts: 324
    Llankhmar, Llankhmar, Llankhmar!!!
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited July 2019

    I do really like NWN 2 and would like to see it patched and brought over to the Switch.

    Ive always had performance & bug issues with NWN 2, everytime I play there are at least several areas including the tutorial that run a little choppy for me and the same bug everytime at the Crossroad Keep battle near the end of the game, we have to hold the keep against swarms of enemies funneling through a choke point and if I use area effect spells the cinematic plays but the final boss of that area doesn't show up and I can't finish the game so I have bring heavy fighters to hold the line and hold back my magic until the boss arrives.

    There's plenty of bug and performance fixes to be made, the thing I always change in NWN 2 is the NPC's because the enemies are just too easy and after looking at them in the toolset I found many of them are pretty crap so I modified every area in the game and beefed up almost every enemy giving most of them different classes and some multi classes, more spellcasters and even a couple of weapon masters, in the graveyard I made one of the skeletons a Mage Captain (1 Fighter, 4 Wizard, 2 Eldritch Knight) and he actually got 2 fireballs off before I got him... that's right hurt me and make me work for it ?
    Post edited by Cerabelus on
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