NWN:EE -> Multyplayer Question/problem

Today I wanted to try playing with a friend of mine, my friend did not modd in particular installed from the workshop while I was, at the beginning I tried to invite him in my game he accepted linvita but could not get into the game, tried to invite him but same thing I accepted but I was not in its multiplayer (I keep in mind that all 2 we first loaded a game in multyplayer before sending the invitation),
Then I thought << I try to remove the modd >> so I tried to remove all the modd (except for Real Skyes that I had forgotten to remove), but nothing to do not connect me to his game, so we left to lose ... then I reflected ... and I thought of a theory ... I on my character I have an armor and objects and a weapon created by me through the tollSett ... it is possible that ... because of the fact that my friend does not have my exact form can not enter my game as I can not I enter her?
Then I thought << I try to remove the modd >> so I tried to remove all the modd (except for Real Skyes that I had forgotten to remove), but nothing to do not connect me to his game, so we left to lose ... then I reflected ... and I thought of a theory ... I on my character I have an armor and objects and a weapon created by me through the tollSett ... it is possible that ... because of the fact that my friend does not have my exact form can not enter my game as I can not I enter her?
As you may know.
Password or Update versions and haks are the only things I know of that prevent entering a multiplayer mod.
Regarding your toolset question. Sounds like you are trying to use vault characters. Is the ‘allow local character’ box checked on the mod? If not any if this, sorry don’t know. I never had a problem with my own modded armour and gear then entering a multiplayer world. But ‘Allow local character’ must be enabled on mod.