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The Nether Scrolls

MatthieuMatthieu Member Posts: 386
I see there is no thread here for this module, so maybe it's a good idea to start one.

I remember there was a contest held back in the days for a module to link SoU to HotU. Explaining how you get that reaper thing. The Nether Scrolls, as far as I remember, won that contest.


  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    The latest version of that module is here.

    Incidentally, this forum is for "Discuss modules working under NWN:EE, including announced and released modules which have been tested, updated or built for the EE compatibility" so maybe you'd like to test whether it works on EE (which it almost certainly will).
  • MatthieuMatthieu Member Posts: 386
    I can test it tonight, yes. I thought this module was kind of "special" as it won the contest to link the two extensions, while not official it gives it some more important status than most modules.
  • MatronaCloMatronaClo Member Posts: 211
    Did anyone test this module then? Does it work in NWNEE?
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