Custom content showcase

With the upcoming release of NWN EE I decided to resume some custom content work that I was doing for a now-abandoned server project of mine. I have started a new hardcore roleplay server project with a few friends, and I plan to complete some tilesets with attached placeables, a new weapon/shields system, and other such modeling tasks that'll come at a later stage.
I'll use this thread to document the progress.
The main tileset is a rich and complex set of wilderness terrains and crossers, that goes under the name of Mu
It includes a moorland/shrubland terrain, with raise/lower functionality:

Where some trees can be painted down:

Quite a lot of trees, actually:

Trees that come in a autumnal variation too:

And as placeables, including various species:

I'll use this thread to document the progress.
The main tileset is a rich and complex set of wilderness terrains and crossers, that goes under the name of Mu
It includes a moorland/shrubland terrain, with raise/lower functionality:

Where some trees can be painted down:

Quite a lot of trees, actually:

Trees that come in a autumnal variation too:

And as placeables, including various species:

With a white rock variant too:
Since I'm still designing the overall shapes, the tiles are a bit bland - basically caves through the nude rock - but it's already quite immersive due to the vertical span and the ceilings.
Take into account that changes to the weapon/item system are global, and hence are not in the realm of client-side tweaks, they must be implemented on the module level, although there are ways to keep the changes backward compatible.
These weapons I'm making are currently meant for a server project I'm working on with some friends, due to the above reason. However they could be adopted on a wider scale if the module/server author wished to.
I love it!