CEP 2.64

CEP version 2.64 is available for anyone to download.
It includes some fixes for things that were brought to my attention, additional creator credits visible in the toolset, updated names for a bunch of the optional doors (in cep2_add_doors.hak), and a bunch of new waypoints for builders to use.
You can get it as a full download or just the updated files if you already have CEP 2.63.
Builders: As always, don’t forget to back up your cep2_build and cep2_custom haks if you have anything in those! You don't want to accidentally erase anything you may have put in there if installing the full version (those haks are always empty in the download).
Have fun.

It includes some fixes for things that were brought to my attention, additional creator credits visible in the toolset, updated names for a bunch of the optional doors (in cep2_add_doors.hak), and a bunch of new waypoints for builders to use.
You can get it as a full download or just the updated files if you already have CEP 2.63.
Builders: As always, don’t forget to back up your cep2_build and cep2_custom haks if you have anything in those! You don't want to accidentally erase anything you may have put in there if installing the full version (those haks are always empty in the download).
Have fun.

1166-1167: minor correction to LABEL
1966-1972: updated creator credit
6411-6414: blanked out duplicate entries added in 2.62
6421: blanked out duplicate entry added in 2.62
6453: blanked out duplicate entry added in 2.63
2000-2001: updated Label and StringRefGame values
151-255: cleared CTP doors entries to remove missing models error in toolset
0-52: Changed Name values to account for tlk file update
17: removed entry that had no matching model
186: removed entry that had no matching model
219-221: added missing ACBONUS values that were accidenally removed in 2.63
99: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
162: removed entry that had no matching model
211: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
0: removed entry that had no matching model
99: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
113-115: removed entry that had no matching model
116-118: added missing ACBONUS values that were accidenally removed in 2.63
119: removed entry that had no matching model
150: removed entry that had no matching model
99: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
181: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
211: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
14: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
99: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
211: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
99: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
99: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
186: removed entry that had no matching model
211: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
99: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
150: removed entry that had no matching model
13: removed entry that had no matching model
99: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
150: removed entry that had no matching model
99: added missing entry that was accidenally removed in 2.63
147-148: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
189-191: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
230: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
261: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
353-355: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
428: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
444: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
447: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
451: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
465-469: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
472: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
478: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
821-824: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
839: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
1951: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2034-2039: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2042: changed LABEL ("Plant" to "Farm" and fixed creator credit)
2046: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2056: fixed creator credit
2200: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2207: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2219: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2305-2307: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2325-2328: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2330: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2336-2338: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2344-2351: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2447-2449: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2470: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
2788-2796: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
3072: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
3080-3082: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
3090-3093: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
3676-3813: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
3815-3820: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
3822-3860: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
3953-3954: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
3967-3970: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4246: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4268: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4308-4309: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4311: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4316-4317: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4400-4409: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4451-4479: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4486-4494: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4494: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4621: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4658-4661: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4700: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4773: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4824: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4924: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
4995-4996: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5052-5053: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5169-5170: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5254-5256: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5260-5261: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5272: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5354: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5358: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5362: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5366: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5370: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5374: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5378: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5382: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5386: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5390: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5394: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5399: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5455: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5818-5852: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
5999: changed Static value to 1 (from 2)
8452-8505: added creator credits
11785: updated LABEL to include radius
11444-11505: added missing "CEP stuff" asterisk to LABELs
25202-52209: added floating crystals by The Amethyst Dragon
10457-10459: added CCC content
48-61: added new waypoints by The Amethyt Dragon
fixed textures for skyball_SR.mdl (starry sky placeable)
fixed missing ruins painting models (placeables)
fixed missing noble furniture models (placeables)
fixed doors for halfling burrow, houses, and inn tiles in Castle Exterior, Rural (cep2_ext_tiles.hak)
fixed palette for Castle Exterior, Rural (cep2_ext_tiles.hak)
fixed palette for City Interior 2 (cep2_ext_tiles.hak)
fixed use nodes/pwks for multiple chair placeables
fixed chair placeable facing ("Chair 08 (NWN2)* (thegeorge)" and "Chair: Giant 3* (CCP Team)")
fixed armor parts accidentally removed from 2da files in 2.63 due to male/female differences
fixed missing texture and made minor adjustments to forrestals (creatures)
fixed missing pale master arm parts for dynamic skeletons (phenotype models)
fixed faulty dagger, bottom part 9, colors 1-4 (weapon models)
palette for Castle Exterior, Rural (cep2_ext_tiles.hak) - added tile model creator credits
palette for City Interior 2 (cep2_ext_tiles.hak) - added tile model creator credits
cep2_top_2_64.hak - added versioned top for builders that want to make sure their players use the most recent version
cep260.tlk - Changes from 2.63:
100000-100052: moved strings into CEP reserved range
120000-120052: strings from unreserved range
190021: added CEP asterisk to short spear name
191149-191150: added door names
191401-191410: updated door name/creator credits
191801-191841: updated door name/creator credits
191843-192199: updated door name/creator credits191843-192268: updated door name/creator credits *
*Ah, this last number is wrong in the download, sorry. I forgot to count the last 69 door name updates as I was working.
cep2_add_doors (optional)
cep2_add_loads (optional)
Phenotypes Set: (optional)
+ cep2_add_phenos2
+ cep2_add_phenos3
+ cep2_add_phenos4
cep2_add_reforge (optional)
cep2_add_skies (optional)
CEP-Modified Tilesets: (optional)
+ cep2_add_tiles2
Extended BioWare Tilesets + CEP-Modified Tilesets: (optional)
+ cep2_add_tiles1
+ cep2_add_tiles2
cep2_build (optional)
cep2_custom (optional)
cep2_top_2_64 (this one is new, so players will know if they have the updated version or not)
Not a Hak, but Required:
Outdated Haks:
The download includes other "cep2_" hak files that are not currently used,
but are kept available for backwards compatibility back to CEP 2.1 (meaning
a player with the current CEP can still play modules/PWs that were/are
built with older versions).
By the way, if any custom content makers out there want to make a lot of male-only armor parts, I have a handy list of part numbers you can use.
But they look a bit different here, did i maybe miss something or are there missing textures?