a second texture/ decal as an overlay

Hi all,
i tried everything to get a second texture "texture1" in my material mtr shader working. Nope, nothing happens at all. So if anyone of you had a sucess already please post an example shader or tell me what i have to do. Here is what my own material shader looks like. Everything named correctly of course :
//customshaderVS vstomlB
//customshaderFS fstomlB
// Specifies a custom vertex shader: vsSkinned.shdcustomshaderFS fsFancyNew
// Specifies a custom fragment shader: fsFancyNew.shd
texture0 !cH_head001
// Specifies a texture that will be bound to texUnit0 in the fragment shader. Will override bitmap/tetxure0 in the model
texture1 !tmb_water01
// Binds to texUnit1 in the fragment shader. We support up to fifteen of these textures: texture0 - texture14.
texture2 tmb_water01
//test to see if this might work!
parameter float vDiffuse 0.8 1.0 0.65 1.0
// Creates a 4-float parameter that will be bound to a shader uniform of the same name (if it exists)
parameter float fModulator 0.5
// Creates a float parameter that will be bound to a shader uniform of the same name (if it exists)
parameter int iCount 2
// Creates an int parameter that will be bound to a shader uniform of the same name (if it exists)
//mipmap 0
//filter 0
//downsamplemax 0
i tried everything to get a second texture "texture1" in my material mtr shader working. Nope, nothing happens at all. So if anyone of you had a sucess already please post an example shader or tell me what i have to do. Here is what my own material shader looks like. Everything named correctly of course :
//customshaderVS vstomlB
//customshaderFS fstomlB
// Specifies a custom vertex shader: vsSkinned.shdcustomshaderFS fsFancyNew
// Specifies a custom fragment shader: fsFancyNew.shd
texture0 !cH_head001
// Specifies a texture that will be bound to texUnit0 in the fragment shader. Will override bitmap/tetxure0 in the model
texture1 !tmb_water01
// Binds to texUnit1 in the fragment shader. We support up to fifteen of these textures: texture0 - texture14.
texture2 tmb_water01
//test to see if this might work!
parameter float vDiffuse 0.8 1.0 0.65 1.0
// Creates a 4-float parameter that will be bound to a shader uniform of the same name (if it exists)
parameter float fModulator 0.5
// Creates a float parameter that will be bound to a shader uniform of the same name (if it exists)
parameter int iCount 2
// Creates an int parameter that will be bound to a shader uniform of the same name (if it exists)
//mipmap 0
//filter 0
//downsamplemax 0
Here is the FS code as an example for you :
uniform sampler2D texUnit0;
uniform sampler2D texUnit1; //important second decal
//uniform sampler2D texUnit2;
uniform mediump float fogEnd;
uniform mediump float fogStart;
uniform lowp vec4 fogColor;
uniform int fogMode;
uniform int fogEnabled;
uniform int texture0Bound;
uniform int texture1Bound; //add this line for texunit1
varying lowp vec4 vColorOut;
varying mediump vec2 vTc;
varying mediump float fFogFragCoord;
void main (void)
lowp vec4 color;
lowp vec4 env;
color = vColorOut;
if (texture0Bound != 0)
color = texture2D(texUnit0, vTc.xy);
if (texture1Bound != 0)
vec4 decal = texture2D(texUnit1, vTc.xy);
color = mix(color, decal, decal.a); //here is the magic happening!!!
if (fogEnabled!=0)
if ( fogMode == 0 )
float fog;
fog = (fogEnd - fFogFragCoord) / (fogEnd - fogStart);
fog = clamp(fog, 0.0, 1.0);
color = vec4(mix( vec3(fogColor), vec3(color), fog), color.a);
else if ( fogMode == 1 )
// Not implemented
else if ( fogMode == 2 )
// Not implemented
gl_FragColor = color;