Issue with preloading in standalone launcher

I've been trying to preload the game through the standalone launcher and the launcher hangs eternally on the "Getting download info" stage of downloading. Is anyone else having this issue? I can't even start the download... Suggestions?
This is a poor man's solution, but just close & reopen the client. Should be ok the next attempt.
Someone else suggested going into the installation directory and deleting 766.beam and 766.status, then running the launcher again.
Both fixes basically 'reset' your connection to the servers so you are starting from scratch.
If you cannot delete the folder or files, restart your PC.
Of note also the fact there's no 766.* files in the installation directory since the download hasn't started yet. It just stays indefinitely in the "Getting Download Info".
I can't get the torrent either. I'm downloading (or trying to, that's the problem) the Press Review version.
I was finally able to download the game. Which I'm doing as we speak. But only by downloading and installing the Beamdog client and inserting the Press account credentials.
Good luck.