Is it possible to create an app for people to make their own NWN voicesets and share it online?

i would love Morgan Freeman or Jack Nicholson or George W Bush or other celebrities to do their favourite (make up their own style) voicesets for nwn. Each of the V commands have their own purpose and time limits anyway. So you could just ask a celebrity to contribute a voiceset and see if it will be enshrined for posterity in the update.
But maybe.. another idea i had was just an app for people to share their own self-created voices. Maybe the community can vote for their inclusion. Maybe it can be just for fun?
(One thing that bothers me, is that even if people create their own custom content/voicesets etc, it may not be shared or seen/heard easily by other players. im not keen on requiring every player to install a new 2da for every server with a unique voiceset. so im not sure how that can be solved yet)
this guy does voice acting too:
But maybe.. another idea i had was just an app for people to share their own self-created voices. Maybe the community can vote for their inclusion. Maybe it can be just for fun?
(One thing that bothers me, is that even if people create their own custom content/voicesets etc, it may not be shared or seen/heard easily by other players. im not keen on requiring every player to install a new 2da for every server with a unique voiceset. so im not sure how that can be solved yet)
this guy does voice acting too:
Dubya can't do it but Vin Diesel is totally in.
Also I was just mentioning this to Sean Bean, but sadly he never got into NWN. I don't think he's game for it.