Have you ever been in a server with 20+ DMs spawning mad wars and monster armies...

I remembered a desire, a lust, as it was, which I had way back when NWN was in full swing with team pvp.
I dreamed of a massive server with Realms vs Realms Team PvP. Where up to 20 DMs were logged in at any time, spawning mad armies of monsters/etc to fight against players. In my mind, I sort of envisioned a Dm vs DM or Gods vs Gods realm, where players ended up the pawns in a massive RvR endless war.
Of course, the mod can be scripted to do that (Good vs Evil 1,2,3 the mods for example) --- but DMs can do so much more. They can spawn anything in the monster library to fight players. DMs can even possess the monster to fight. I do not think any other mmos, even WoW, i do not think they allow mere players to log in as DMs to do this. (Probably WoW allows a DM to do this after submitting a job application and cv). But a DM in possession of a creature... can use the voiceset lmao.
I would really like to see a mod like this. Good vs Evil is one I guess. I guess the monsters need to be much more powerful. It's always hard as a DM not to accidentally kill your players too easily........
Good vs Evils 3's AI is pretty good too. The enemy will really poke you around then try to slam you dead at the end. I wish more players would play it.
I dreamed of a massive server with Realms vs Realms Team PvP. Where up to 20 DMs were logged in at any time, spawning mad armies of monsters/etc to fight against players. In my mind, I sort of envisioned a Dm vs DM or Gods vs Gods realm, where players ended up the pawns in a massive RvR endless war.
Of course, the mod can be scripted to do that (Good vs Evil 1,2,3 the mods for example) --- but DMs can do so much more. They can spawn anything in the monster library to fight players. DMs can even possess the monster to fight. I do not think any other mmos, even WoW, i do not think they allow mere players to log in as DMs to do this. (Probably WoW allows a DM to do this after submitting a job application and cv). But a DM in possession of a creature... can use the voiceset lmao.
I would really like to see a mod like this. Good vs Evil is one I guess. I guess the monsters need to be much more powerful. It's always hard as a DM not to accidentally kill your players too easily........
Good vs Evils 3's AI is pretty good too. The enemy will really poke you around then try to slam you dead at the end. I wish more players would play it.
Post edited by Libertyisback on
As the magic mouth would say:
And the land where the guy with a vorpal weapon and advanced cleave is king
Good old Archak the undead king. Fun times!
Hey are you on steam dude? Add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/snafulator