Steam Workshop Tech Questions (Content Limit)

Is there a total file size limit for content uploaded?
- It appears to have stopped at 2 GB and told me that the upload was complete.
If so, is there a way to get it increased for the NWN:EE Steam Workshop?
- The thing I uploaded is almost 6 GB uncompressed.
- It appears to have stopped at 2 GB and told me that the upload was complete.
If so, is there a way to get it increased for the NWN:EE Steam Workshop?
- The thing I uploaded is almost 6 GB uncompressed.
When I uploaded Savant’s Real Skies it took forever to reflect in the Workshop despite the in game message. I know this sounds level 1 tech supportish but... did you try letting it sit for a while?
Ok, update, finally found it. You might be fine. Read this. So do some test/have others do some testing. Did you put in a test module with mod?
Steam discussion on size link
(The Aielund Saga Act I - Nature Abhors A Vacuum) to steam as a good test bed for you both. To see if everything running good. Just a thought.