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Manual Questions

I was reading through the main manual for BG and noted a few things that didn't seem right to me.

It says that thieves have get d8 for hit points, that is not correct is it? I always thought they were d6

It says that at level 10 mages and thieves get another full die roll instead of +2 which is what I thought it was after 9th level (fighters are listed at +3 hp).

Is the mage experience table right? It goes from 40K to 60K to get a new level and at level 10 a fighter will have 500K and a mage just 250K? That didn't sound right but I don't have the old books in front of me.

Minor things but I was curious about them. Excited just to be reading the manual as it means play time is close!


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The experience table is correct. The rogue hit dice is not.

    There's a thread for posting discrepancies in the manual here:

    If you do find things, post them there. If an update gets done, I'll be using that thread as a reference.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I'm using this channel to ask for a change on alignment system, where neutral parties continue to perceive high alignment status as a good thing.

    I want to change that so, reputation 1 or 20 will make neutral characters leave the party, making things even.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Actually, the original way it worked was that neutral characters were always unhappy at high rep. This has been changed so that now neutral characters are happy at high rep.

    @Tanthalas has a canned response for why that is, but the skinny is that most of the "happy" sounds for neutral NPCs had pretty strong "Yay we're famous" tones, and previously none of them were being used at all.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    @Aosaw, what is up with your avatar? O_o
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited November 2012
    Just...trying something new.

    I wanted something a little bluer than what it ended up being, but... *sigh*

    EDIT: This one turned out a bit better. Still not quite what I'm looking for, especially around the eyes...
    And of course, it's clearly Safana with a blue filter. But it's the best I've got for now...
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    That doesn't look like a Xvart.
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