A Spell to restore spellslots?

Hello there you moddin' magicians!
Is it possible to make custom spell (for a wizard) to refresh rest of em? Including itself? I just want my single campaigning as a wild mage get rid of resting video/resting 8-hour expense/resting no-combat conditions etc etc.
Tried to perpetrate such a modding action myself - it would be better not to undertake it.
I'll be waiting your concern.
Is it possible to make custom spell (for a wizard) to refresh rest of em? Including itself? I just want my single campaigning as a wild mage get rid of resting video/resting 8-hour expense/resting no-combat conditions etc etc.
Tried to perpetrate such a modding action myself - it would be better not to undertake it.
I'll be waiting your concern.
Hope that helps.
My tools are NearInfinity and EE Keeper.