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Hordes of the Underdark Multiplayer

Hello, i plan to play HOTU with my friend, im curious, was HOTU multiplayer ever fixed?

To my understanding HOTU was originally made for single-player only.

Are there any workarounds?


  • BalkothBalkoth Member Posts: 161
    You can play through HotU successfully as multiplayer, though there may be a handful of oddities. Been a few years but I know it worked overall.
  • GrimjackMVGrimjackMV Member Posts: 151
    Hi @Balkoth (and anyone in-the-know!)

    Do you know if HotU scale monster encounters in multiplayer like the OC and Shadows?
  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 494
    They have a mixture of standard encounters that scale, and creatures that are placed in areas that don't scale (Like bosses). The standard encounters may not seem to scale if they don't have any powerful creatures assigned to them. At that point, I would assume that that encounter was not meant to hard.

    Another tip: If one player is alone in an area and triggers an encounter, it will use only their level. Waiting for everyone to load into the area before moving around helps to avoid that.
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