Do monks receive a -2 THAC0 penalty for using fists in BGEE?

I was just reading the manuals for BGEE and under the weapon proficiency in the "Melee and Magic" guides it says that "Fighers, Rangers, Paladins, Monks and Barbarians receive a -2 penalty" for using a weapon they don't have any profiency in. Does that mean Monks get -2 THAC0 penalty for using fists? Or will there be an "Unarmed: profiency in BGEE? I've never played a monk before, but may try Rasaad out in BGEE, so am curious. Thanks!
The monk have a Stunning Attack but can also kill with his fist, and at, (much higher), levels he have an attack that forces the enemy to either save or die.
I played a monk in a PnP campaign, (we used the 3.5 edition though), and he ruled big time.