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Darkvision in Infinite Dungeons: Do I have this wrong?

I have a dwarf character (who should have darkvision), but in the Infinite Dungeons 1st level, he does not seem to. Is their magical darkness there or is there something else I should be thinking of?


  • MadHatterMadHatter Member Posts: 145
    Darkvision is really poorly implemented in NWN in general. It’s possible the tile has black light and the area settings have black light also resulting in black regardless of your vision type.
  • cherryzerocherryzero Member Posts: 129
    One thing I’d love for NWN to crib from NWN2 is low light and dark vision.
  • DoseyclwnDoseyclwn Member Posts: 3
    I played back in the day, I just don't remember that being a problem.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    this "darkness" or "absurb darkness" thing is something new that has been implemented with the EE, it's to help make the game feel more life like in the sense that night time or areas that should be dark to actually be dark

    but if you have a torch then it lights up the area all real nice, and lots of the items you find in the infinite dungeon will also give off light glows as well, so when you start picking up those piles of magical items, they will eventually start giving off light

    i know that half-orcs have pretty good dark vision in infinite dungeons so perhaps it could be that the dwarves are bugged and their dark vision isnt working correctly ?
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