Reasonable Build for Aluvian Darkstar?

Good day. I'm planning to take Aluvian Darkstar out of the box and into the realms as she was created. Looking at her vanilla starting statistics, I'm really leaning towards a wizard/arcane archer/harper scout build. I'll be playing her through SoU and HotU, possibly taking her to max level after in Infinite Dungeons. Two "rules" that I have for her is not eating too much cheese (hoarding skill points, etc) and that I'm not going to tweak her at all from her vanilla starting build:
Elf Wizard
STR: 10
DEX: 16
CON: 12
INT: 16
WIS: 12
CHA: 10
1 WIZ: Combat Casting
3 WIZ: Point Blank Shot
4 WIZ: +1 INT (17)
5 WIZ: Spell Penetration
6 WIZ: Weapon Focus: Longbow
8 WIZ: +1 INT (18)
9 WIZ: Rapid Shot
10 WIZ: Greater Spell Penetration
11 WIZ
12 WIZ: +1 INT (19); Iron Will
At this point, I've been focusing on archery skills primarily, then spell penetration feats, as she'll eventually be lacking in wizard levels and intelligence, so I understand that her offensive spell casting will likely suffer some. I've never really played a caster in epic levels, though, so any insight here would be appreciated. Her skill points have been spent preparing to build her into a harper scout and I've kept Concentration, Lore, and Spellcraft up.
13 AA
14 AA
15 AA: Improved Critical: Longbow
16 AA: +1 INT (20)
17 AA
18 WIZ: Alertness
19 WIZ
20 AA: +1 DEX (17)
So she's a wizard (14)/arcane archer (6) now. I've taken all of the necessary steps to move her into her harper scout class now and have built up listen and spot. I'm kind of roleplaying a bit with her and, as she's taken alertness, I thought listen and spot would be appropriate skills to keep up as an arcane archer. She's also keeping lore maxed for similar reasons. I've asked about the spell penetration feats, so now I'll also ask if she would have been better off taking one more wizard level over the sixth arcane archer level for an extra spell casting feat. Extend Spell, maybe? Again, recommendations here are appreciated. On to the epic levels.
21 HS: Epic Weapon Focus: Longbow; Great Dexterity I (18)
22 HS
23 HS (She has the ability to use the harper scout's cat grace now. I'm hoping that it's true that it stacks with the wizard spell?)
24 AA: +1 DEX (19), Great Dexterity II (20)
25 WIZ: Epic Spell Penetration
26 WIZ
27 WIZ: Great Dexterity III (21) (I lost track of the last couple of levels, so the feats may be out of order, sorry)
This is about as far as I can take her through the two main campaigns, I think. She's a 17th level wizard now with access to her ninth level spells. She has seven levels as an arcane archer and another three as a harper scout. I spent my skill points as a harper scout on tumble and discipline. This is my first character build that I've actually mapped out. Most of my experience in the Forgotten Realms is pre-epic level. I'd really appreciate any feedback and thoughts anyone might have on this build. With the spell penetration feats, I'm hoping that her offensive spell casting will be feasible throughout the campaigns and she looks on paper to be a decent archer.
28 AA: +1 DEX (22)
29 AA
30 HS: Great Dexterity IV (23)
31 AA
32 AA: +1 DEX (24)
33 AA: Great Dexterity V (25)
34 AA
35 AA: Great Dexterity VI (26)
36 AA: +1 DEX (27); Great Dexterity VII (28)
37 HS: Great Dexterity VIII (29)
38 AA
39 AA: Great Dexterity IX (30)
40 AA: +1 DEX (31); Great Dexterity X (32)
17 WIZ/18 AA/HS 5 at the end. I just noticed that Infinite Dungeons is only recommended through 30th level. I know I can pick up some player made modules from the Vault, but I had kind of hoped to take her to 40th in that one. Is there not enough content there to do so reasonably?
Aluvian Darkstar
Elf, Chaotic Neutral
Wizard (17)
Arcane Archer (18)
Harper Scout (5)
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 32
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 10
Armor Class: 29
Maximum Hit Points: 282
Attack Bonus: 46, 41, 36
Fortitude: 20
Reflex: 30
Will: 24
Base Attack: 23
School of Magic: General
Again, I greatly appreciate any thoughts, recommendations, and feedback here. Especially in regards to her epic levels and wizard casting feats. Will the spell penetration feats be enough to make her offensive casting feasible? Should I dump a couple of arcane archer levels to take more wizard levels?
Elf Wizard
STR: 10
DEX: 16
CON: 12
INT: 16
WIS: 12
CHA: 10
1 WIZ: Combat Casting
3 WIZ: Point Blank Shot
4 WIZ: +1 INT (17)
5 WIZ: Spell Penetration
6 WIZ: Weapon Focus: Longbow
8 WIZ: +1 INT (18)
9 WIZ: Rapid Shot
10 WIZ: Greater Spell Penetration
11 WIZ
12 WIZ: +1 INT (19); Iron Will
At this point, I've been focusing on archery skills primarily, then spell penetration feats, as she'll eventually be lacking in wizard levels and intelligence, so I understand that her offensive spell casting will likely suffer some. I've never really played a caster in epic levels, though, so any insight here would be appreciated. Her skill points have been spent preparing to build her into a harper scout and I've kept Concentration, Lore, and Spellcraft up.
13 AA
14 AA
15 AA: Improved Critical: Longbow
16 AA: +1 INT (20)
17 AA
18 WIZ: Alertness
19 WIZ
20 AA: +1 DEX (17)
So she's a wizard (14)/arcane archer (6) now. I've taken all of the necessary steps to move her into her harper scout class now and have built up listen and spot. I'm kind of roleplaying a bit with her and, as she's taken alertness, I thought listen and spot would be appropriate skills to keep up as an arcane archer. She's also keeping lore maxed for similar reasons. I've asked about the spell penetration feats, so now I'll also ask if she would have been better off taking one more wizard level over the sixth arcane archer level for an extra spell casting feat. Extend Spell, maybe? Again, recommendations here are appreciated. On to the epic levels.
21 HS: Epic Weapon Focus: Longbow; Great Dexterity I (18)
22 HS
23 HS (She has the ability to use the harper scout's cat grace now. I'm hoping that it's true that it stacks with the wizard spell?)
24 AA: +1 DEX (19), Great Dexterity II (20)
25 WIZ: Epic Spell Penetration
26 WIZ
27 WIZ: Great Dexterity III (21) (I lost track of the last couple of levels, so the feats may be out of order, sorry)
This is about as far as I can take her through the two main campaigns, I think. She's a 17th level wizard now with access to her ninth level spells. She has seven levels as an arcane archer and another three as a harper scout. I spent my skill points as a harper scout on tumble and discipline. This is my first character build that I've actually mapped out. Most of my experience in the Forgotten Realms is pre-epic level. I'd really appreciate any feedback and thoughts anyone might have on this build. With the spell penetration feats, I'm hoping that her offensive spell casting will be feasible throughout the campaigns and she looks on paper to be a decent archer.
28 AA: +1 DEX (22)
29 AA
30 HS: Great Dexterity IV (23)
31 AA
32 AA: +1 DEX (24)
33 AA: Great Dexterity V (25)
34 AA
35 AA: Great Dexterity VI (26)
36 AA: +1 DEX (27); Great Dexterity VII (28)
37 HS: Great Dexterity VIII (29)
38 AA
39 AA: Great Dexterity IX (30)
40 AA: +1 DEX (31); Great Dexterity X (32)
17 WIZ/18 AA/HS 5 at the end. I just noticed that Infinite Dungeons is only recommended through 30th level. I know I can pick up some player made modules from the Vault, but I had kind of hoped to take her to 40th in that one. Is there not enough content there to do so reasonably?
Aluvian Darkstar
Elf, Chaotic Neutral
Wizard (17)
Arcane Archer (18)
Harper Scout (5)
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 32
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 10
Armor Class: 29
Maximum Hit Points: 282
Attack Bonus: 46, 41, 36
Fortitude: 20
Reflex: 30
Will: 24
Base Attack: 23
School of Magic: General
Again, I greatly appreciate any thoughts, recommendations, and feedback here. Especially in regards to her epic levels and wizard casting feats. Will the spell penetration feats be enough to make her offensive casting feasible? Should I dump a couple of arcane archer levels to take more wizard levels?
You could make this character in PGCC. You can find it here:
You could modify your build however you want, and test things out in the testing zone. I'm not sure if they scale up to epic levels.
But, there could be other modules that have a assault-type onslaught you could go up against. I saw this one the other day:
Seems pretty nifty. What you could try is going it solo. I haven't tried it, but apparently enemy forces build up over time. You could wait and wait and wait and see what it's like to take on 100 of them (or something). Or you could just go in and spawn creatures that are on the same level as you are (with a lvl 40 character). Post results, OK? Or epic struggles, of you dying and dying again?
I'm pretty happy with the build above, but I've never really played a caster and I wanted to try focusing more on her spell casting. I'm posting the changes here.
1 WIZ: Combat Casting
3 WIZ: Point Blank Shot
4 WIZ: +1 INT (17)
5 WIZ: Extend Spell
6 WIZ: Weapon Focus: Longbow
8 WIZ: +1 INT (18)
9 WIZ: Rapid Shot
10 WIZ: Spell Penetration
11 WIZ
12 WIZ: +1 INT (19); Iron Will
She'll be pretty close to finishing SoU at this point and the build is pretty much the same as above. The only change that I've made is taking the Extend Spell feat. I'm planning to take this one pretty early, as it should be pretty useful throughout the campaigns. More so than the spell penetration feats, I think, as she should be pretty strong spell caster in her early and mid levels. Again, I don't know much about playing spell casters, though, so this is all theory for me, so any feedback would be appreciated.
13 AA
14 AA
15 WIZ: Improved Critical: Longbow
16 WIZ: +1 INT (20)
17 WIZ: Greater Spell Penetration
18 WIZ: Alertness
19 WIZ
20 WIZ: +1 DEX (17)
More wizard and less arcane archer this time around. She has access to her ninth level spells by twentieth level now, too. She's ready to add the harper scout class.
21 HS: Epic Weapon Focus: Longbow; Great Dexterity I (18)
22 HS
23 HS
24 AA: +1 DEX (19); Great Dexterity II (20)
25 WIZ
26 WIZ: Epic Spell Penetration
27 WIZ: Great Dexterity III (21)
Again, she'll finish HotU pretty close here. Though she's less of an archer than the build above here, she should be a far better wizard, I think, just from having more spells alone. I'm pretty confidant now that her offensive spell casting should be decent throughout the campaigns and that was what I was most worried about. Her bat familiar, Thamat, is a real beast now, too heh.
28 AA: +1 DEX (22)
29 AA
30 AA: Great Dexterity IV (23)
31 AA
32 AA: +1 DEX (24)
33 HS: Great Dexterity V (25)
34 WIZ
35 AA
36 WIZ: +1 DEX (26); Great Dexterity VI (27); Improved Combat Casting
37 HS: Great Dexterity VII (28)
38 WIZ
39 WIZ: Great Dexterity VII (29)
40 AA: +1 DEX (30)
25th Wizard/10th Arcane Archer/5th Harper Scout. This is going to be the build that I test in the Battleground, but I'm sure to tweak the final one. At a glance here, she doesn't look to have gained any extra spells really from her 27th level build. Also, her Attack Bonus drops from 46, 41, 36 to 39, 34, 29. I really don't have much experience at max level, but I'm pretty lazy and would probably be using her more as an archer than a spell caster for the average trash mob. Is that going to be too low of an Attack Bonus for the typical use of an archer?