Question - Difficulty Level

With version 8162 and changed something about the difficulty level?
In the server settings by entering the option
[Game Options]
Difficulty Level=2
the monsters make critical hits on the PCs, how is it possible?
In the server settings by entering the option
[Game Options]
Difficulty Level=2
the monsters make critical hits on the PCs, how is it possible?
When using docker to manage the server it is obligatory to set all the environment variables provided.
In the case of difficulty level the variable is called NWN_DIFFICULTY.
So the parameter "Difficulty Level" in the nwnplayer.ini file is totally insignificant.
The strange thing is that up to version 8159 in the image kindly provided by glorwinger the default difficulty level was 2, while in the last version was 4.
So i never set the environment variable i did not understand that it did not work, while the setting in the .ini file was simply ignored.