Taking ideas from NWN2

I'd love to see a couple of things that NWN2 did brought into NWN.
* Cut scene dialogue options that are easy to implement.
* Maps that have extra area that isn't accessible that makes the world appear to continue beyond the edge.
* The ability to change placeable heights in the toolset with the Page Up and Page Down buttons.
* Two kinds of area map, one in the corner and a larger version to look at.
I'm sure I could think of more.
* Cut scene dialogue options that are easy to implement.
* Maps that have extra area that isn't accessible that makes the world appear to continue beyond the edge.
* The ability to change placeable heights in the toolset with the Page Up and Page Down buttons.
* Two kinds of area map, one in the corner and a larger version to look at.
I'm sure I could think of more.
"* Maps that have extra area that isn't accessible that makes the world appear to continue beyond the edge."
Has been one of the most annoying and silly things to deal with. There's nothing stopping module makers from doing their own background tiles - enforcing them on every single exterior area was a very silly thing.
I wish Obsidian never did that.
You got a true feeling of exploration, secret locations, random encounters... it increases the scope of the world beyond the actual areas that have been built.
I'd still like hybrid tiles (tiled terrain deformable with height maps), toolset visible paintable, cutable walkmesh, NWN2s lighting.
I'd also like a modified version of their appearance system... But that's coz I'm weird.
Honestly, I'd like that option, even if it's one that designers can turn on and off for individual maps (so you don't have to use them if you don't want to).