Korean virsion

Include pre-order??
Or not...
If i pay this nov28, i will pay korean virsion ,twice?
I'm not speak english as well. So wonder what shold i do? I really want playing bgee realalalalalalaalalalallyyyyyyyyyy
When i was young , bg was my life in vacation So i play with ipad. How long i wait korean translate..?
Or not...
If i pay this nov28, i will pay korean virsion ,twice?
I'm not speak english as well. So wonder what shold i do? I really want playing bgee realalalalalalaalalalallyyyyyyyyyy
When i was young , bg was my life in vacation So i play with ipad. How long i wait korean translate..?
There's two things that you need to know:
1. You only buy BGEE once and get all translations with a single purchase.
2. But, not all translations will be available at release. When they become available you just download the patch and the language option will be there.
I'm not sure if the Korean translation will be available at launch. Hopefully the Overhaul people will provide info soon on the status of each translation.