What kind of artstyle do you prefer to see in Neverwinter Nights?

Hello everyone. After seeing Aribeth's new model I've started to wonder do I like it or not? And I came to asking myself (despite the fact I really do appreciate work Beamdog team put into it and knowing that in the future they're planning to update more models) do I or community really want to see this game following this kind of cartoonish artistic style?
Think about it in this way; Baldur's Gates I & II, both Icewind Dales and mostly Torment, not to mention the obvious NWN, were kept in kinda rough, cold not to say rustical (but still beautiful) artstyle which when combined together provided amazing atmosphere and immersion. I really hope that developers will stick to this route. Even NWN2 with much more colourful palette still wasn't cartoonish. And MotB? Piece of art.
Lets look at titles such as World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, Sword Coast Legends or sth new such as Divinity - Original Sin 2. Divinity is amazing I admit it but cartoonish style isn't something that I find plausible. Maybe others had the same thoughts that's why I've started this poll. Also I'm aware that during some livestream it was mentioned that the 5th D&D edition is made in cartoonish style and they prefer to follow this route but NWN is still based on 3.5 edition.
Now just imagine how amazing it would be to see Neverwinter Nights 3/Baldur's Gate 3 with fully supported toolset in Witcher 3 like graphic. After all Witcher 1 was made in Aurora Engine.
Have in mind that the purpose of this poll is not to discuss new models overall "appearnace" and it's consistence with original model or portraits aka Aribeth's face comparison - just the artstyle.
Think about it in this way; Baldur's Gates I & II, both Icewind Dales and mostly Torment, not to mention the obvious NWN, were kept in kinda rough, cold not to say rustical (but still beautiful) artstyle which when combined together provided amazing atmosphere and immersion. I really hope that developers will stick to this route. Even NWN2 with much more colourful palette still wasn't cartoonish. And MotB? Piece of art.
Lets look at titles such as World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, Sword Coast Legends or sth new such as Divinity - Original Sin 2. Divinity is amazing I admit it but cartoonish style isn't something that I find plausible. Maybe others had the same thoughts that's why I've started this poll. Also I'm aware that during some livestream it was mentioned that the 5th D&D edition is made in cartoonish style and they prefer to follow this route but NWN is still based on 3.5 edition.
Now just imagine how amazing it would be to see Neverwinter Nights 3/Baldur's Gate 3 with fully supported toolset in Witcher 3 like graphic. After all Witcher 1 was made in Aurora Engine.
Have in mind that the purpose of this poll is not to discuss new models overall "appearnace" and it's consistence with original model or portraits aka Aribeth's face comparison - just the artstyle.
- What kind of artstyle do you prefer to see in Neverwinter Nights?23 votes
- Cartoonish style is definitely what I prefer.13.04%
- I want to keep the style in a way it was pre NWN:EE but with upgraded graphic.73.91%
- Give me animee!!!13.04%
Sometimes the more "realistic" a game looks, the less immersion I feel. Even great graphics cannot mimic real life. The proximity to real world looks serves only to highlight how different a game is, making you keenly aware that something is "off" here.
For some reason I am most immersed in IWD:EE. The look just brings you into a perfect fantasy setting without even trying to appear "realistic". It's an oil painting of a medieval setting in motion, and that works very well for me.
I also notice that the poll doesn't seem to have an option for a realism style. While some games like World of Warcraft specifically used a cartoonish style, games like NWN didn't pick a style as much as that was more or less the limit of game rendering at the time. A game like NWN compared to a contemporary rpg like morrowind has a similar style limit, or compared to a realistic fps of the era like Halo it doesn't look too far off in style considering the emphasis in an fps is cutting edge graphics. If you look at NWN2 in comparison to games like Oblivion or Fallout 3 you can see that NWN2 deviates far more, with the fps genre leaving all those titles far behind by this point. Since palettes were mentioned I would like to say that unlimited palette choices is not better, it's actually worse because you risk untrained and unskilled ppl picking colors that clash horribly in an extremely jarring way. NWN2 multiplayer is often plagued by this problem because most servers all use the same unlocked palettes for characters and outfit coloring, looking very unrealistic and jarring.
I think that if NWN was made today it would have a somewhat realistic "fantasy" style similar to contemporary rpg's like Witcher 3, Nier Automata, Monster Hunter World, and Middle Earth Shadow of War.
I've had clients like you
I've always felt that NWN had a rather cartoonish style right from the start, it's full of exageration and overblown proportions.
I think the path most likely to be taken is in slightly stylised realism falling in the NWN2, DAO/I, Witcher camps.
That said..... The most recent live stream showed us an updated player model that looked like a straight update of the old NWN models - At a distance it looked very much like the originals but up close it had all the new fancymaps and a much higher polycount. It was an impressive interpritation of the origional work, so you may have your option B after all
Lastly, Mirandel, the usable polycount for models is already much, much higher. Witcher 1 content has been available (without fancymaps) for many years, so we know the old engine is (maps aside) unsurprisingly on par with that prior to any of the EE changes.
Maps do most of the work in changing blocky lego into smooth awesomeness, fancymaps on the existing content will make a big difference, fancymaps on new meshes will make a huge one.
Alright it's Witcher 3 so the polycount is likely 2-3 times what you'd expect the max to be in EE (a lot of that's the head though, that face has a lot of detail). Polycount remains the same from Left to Right, showing base mesh, smoothing groups, normal/displacement, everything.
Hence, I would not expect heavy changes in maps (and particular in models) that would "ruin player base". As awesome as new Aribeth looks, it's still - as you said - "at a distance looks very much like the originals" and only up close you can see that pretty picture painted over crude blocks. Better than nothing but as far from modern games as original.
So, switching to a new style - more simplistic but because of it more flexible too - to me sounds like a good idea. But I can be mistaken, can admit it right away.
To keep the fantasy feel, i prefer leaning towards more cartoonish/anime style-- more like Prince of Persia 3 or even WoW. I favour this also with the hope it can be made to be less demanding on computer hardware specs, but im not sure if this is possible.
edit: and yes Torchlight is lovely, as mentioned below.
i didnt like Morrowind, Skyrim or Oblivion styles by the way. I feel they were trying to depict reality. Whereas what im after is fantasy, slightly exaggerated features, colours etc
artstyles i like:
1) Torchlight
2) Fate
3) Aion
4) Regnum (maybe not enough detail, but i like this clean cut look)
5) NWN (with a bit more lean to colour and anime)
6) WoW
7) GTA 3+ (esp GTA Vice, skip the ghetto greys)
I wonder if cartoonish style gfx is less demanding on gfx cards.