What do you want to see in new campaigns by BD?

Wishlist time, everyone:
- Madness system, like we were supposed to see in the original NWN campaign.
- Eldritch/extraplanar locations: places with lots of weird stuff hanging around, levitating continents, talking plants, psychedelic VFX having all around, morphing landscapes, two-level tilesets, descent into deep darkness etc
- Proper Elven and Dwarven tilesets: think of Erebor and Lothlorien, I am aware that they are not so exotic, but I sort of miss
- Ideas that defy common gameplay: in Baldur's gate we had to achieve our Divinity, in any NWN expansion I not only want to achieve it, I want to Experience it and put it to the test in a "twilight of the gods/time of troubles" campaign
- a return to Baldur's gate? I would love to see the city developed in 3d proper
- A proper introduction of subraces and templates: just like in Westgate, at the end, we can turn into a vampire.
Post edited by Dark_Ansem on
I want to go to the Inner planes, the Positive and Negative energy plane would be quite a challenge
No respawn buttons! They don't belong to D&D.
Storywise, an epic trilogy that starts small and takes its time. With a progression of about 6 PC levels per part.
I like some of the ideas people mentioned above -- the Moonshaes would be a great setting for the start of the campaign. They had a pretty unique feel if I remember the old TSR books correctly. Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter/Waterdeep all kind of start feeling the same after a while. Maybe the second module travels outside the Moonshaes, and then the third module moves on to extra-planar stuff for the high-level parts, which could be fun if done right (like Dark_Ansem's psychedelic landscape idea).
That NWN is supposed to be like a pen and paper experience rather than a visual novel.
Still, it can't be denied that SP is especially important in Nostalgia games.