Balkoth's Minion Control -- Looking for Override Testers

I've been working on my Balkoth's Minion Control tool lately and massively improved it from the first version. I'm putting together some documentation and making some videos showing both how to install it and what the benefits of using it are.
However, I also got a request to try to make an override version of the tool (for users rather than mod authors). That's not something I had ever tried doing before but I think I might have managed. I believe it will work in any campaigns using the default henchmen scripts. Some brief testing seem to show it working in the original campaign, SoU, and HotU...but I could use more beta testing if anyone wants to give the override version a whirl and report bugs/offer feedback.
The override installation is rather simple -- copy/paste 11 files into your override folder.
If you're interested in helping out, shoot me an email at balkothwarcraft at gmail dot com and I'll send you the files.
However, I also got a request to try to make an override version of the tool (for users rather than mod authors). That's not something I had ever tried doing before but I think I might have managed. I believe it will work in any campaigns using the default henchmen scripts. Some brief testing seem to show it working in the original campaign, SoU, and HotU...but I could use more beta testing if anyone wants to give the override version a whirl and report bugs/offer feedback.
The override installation is rather simple -- copy/paste 11 files into your override folder.
If you're interested in helping out, shoot me an email at balkothwarcraft at gmail dot com and I'll send you the files.
Outside of that, it SHOULD work with any modules that use completely unedited henchmen scripts. If I understand overrides correctly (again, used to editing modules/haks, not using overrides), overrides are themselves overriden by module or hak resources -- so if the module edits henchmen scripts or a hak edits henchmen scripts, the customized override script I made will be ignored. Here's the dirty details of the exact scripts that are ideally unaltered...
OnHeartbeat (nw_ch_ac1)
OnPerceive (nw_ch_ac2)
OnCombatRoundEnd (nw_c2_ac3)
OnConversation (nw_ch_ac4)
OnAttacked (nw_ch_ac5)
OnDamaged (nw_ch_ac6)
OnSpellCastAt (nw_ch_acb)
PlayerTool1 (x3_pl_tool1)
OnCombatRoundEnd (x0_ch_hen_combat)
OnConversation (x0_ch_hen_conv)
OnSpellCastAt (x2_hen_spell)
Ideally the following scripts aren't altered, but you might be able to get away with them being altered:
OnAttacked (x0_ch_hen_attack)
OnDamaged (x0_ch_hen_damage)
OnHeartbeat (x0_ch_hen_heart)
OnPerceive (x0_ch_hen_percep)
OnSpellCastAt (x0_ch_hen_spell)
As to which user made modules will work? No idea offhand. You'd actually have to check the scripts. I do know, for example, that it won't work well in the Aielund Saga (hi Savant), but I've been working on incorporating this tool into the actual modules so you'll get the benefit of this tool on the next campaign update for Aielund, I believe.