Concepts from the manuals for Neverwinter Nights 2 EE

Hello, good day Beamdog Team, could your consider these concepts from the manuals, that I think would improve the game, for the future Neverwinter Nights 2 Enhanced Edition?:
01 - Replace the Red Dragon Disciple class for a Dragon Disciple class to choose the color
02 - Exalted Arcanist Prestige Class (a celestial arcane prestige class from the 3.5E Book of Exalted Deeds)
03 - Timestop Spell
04 - Bonus Spells for Dragon Disciple
05 - Circle Magic for Red Wizard of Thay
06 - Witch (Wizard Class Variant from 4E Heroes of the Feywild)
07 - Blood Spells for Wizard, Witch, Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep &/or Red Wizard of Thay
08 - Planeshifter Prestige Class or Paragon Path (arcane paragon path from 4E Manual of the Planes)
09 - Tiefling Warfiend Prestige Class or Paragon Path (paragon path from 4E Martial Power)
10 - Silverstar Prestige Class or Paragon Path (Selune's paragon path from 4E Forgotten Realms Player's Guide)
11 - Totem Warrior Prestige Class or Paragon Path (5E Barbarian paragon path)
12 - Multiclass Feats
13 - Epic Destinies (from 4E Manuals)
And if it's not too much to ask:
14 - Higher Max Level
15 - Prestige Classes for the all party.
Thank you very much for your attention. e.e

01 - Replace the Red Dragon Disciple class for a Dragon Disciple class to choose the color
02 - Exalted Arcanist Prestige Class (a celestial arcane prestige class from the 3.5E Book of Exalted Deeds)
03 - Timestop Spell
04 - Bonus Spells for Dragon Disciple
05 - Circle Magic for Red Wizard of Thay
06 - Witch (Wizard Class Variant from 4E Heroes of the Feywild)
07 - Blood Spells for Wizard, Witch, Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep &/or Red Wizard of Thay
08 - Planeshifter Prestige Class or Paragon Path (arcane paragon path from 4E Manual of the Planes)
09 - Tiefling Warfiend Prestige Class or Paragon Path (paragon path from 4E Martial Power)
10 - Silverstar Prestige Class or Paragon Path (Selune's paragon path from 4E Forgotten Realms Player's Guide)
11 - Totem Warrior Prestige Class or Paragon Path (5E Barbarian paragon path)
12 - Multiclass Feats
13 - Epic Destinies (from 4E Manuals)
And if it's not too much to ask:
14 - Higher Max Level
15 - Prestige Classes for the all party.
Thank you very much for your attention. e.e
