Missing Weapon Proficiency: Dwarf

We have a "Weapon Proficiency: Elf" in game that gives Elves access to bows and the like, but Dwarves do not get one for their race weapon "Dwarven Waraxe". NWN 2 introduced this, but it's still missing from NWN 1.
So, can we get this added please? Show some love to the Dwarves?
So, can we get this added please? Show some love to the Dwarves?
There is a quick and dirty solution through an override, if anybody is really interested in saving one feat when playing a dwarf in single player. For Multiplayer, the way to do it is having the host implement the change.
NWN is a wonderful engine under that regard, a lot can be achieved with just 2da editing and scripting, let alone NWNX (in a client-server environment).
The same freedom isn't possible with making global changes though, as so many things can break and the vanilla game should not be affected by such unwanted side-effects
The only problem I see is that in the OCs there are no dwarven waraxes, except in the SoU one, iirc. They should have to tweak the OCs a bit a that is something they dont seem to want at all.
What do you do in the meantime, if MP is not that popular?
Not in NwN. However if you add in the time taken to make the custom content then you are taking probably up to low thousands of person hours.