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Which party members will you use in your first BG:EE playthrough?

I think I'll start with an evil party of Dorn, Xzar, Montaron, Rasaad (unless the bisexual NPC is Dorn, in which case I'll use Edwin instead of Rasaad) and probably Shar-Teel just because it should be funny (she hates men). I'll play a Half-Orc Priest of Talos unless Rasaad doesn't want to romance Half-Orcs.

What about everyone else?


  • HellishreaperHellishreaper Member Posts: 5
    You can romance people in this game? thats sweet, what are the female options i will have as a human male blackguard? (i will be evil if it blackguards are restricted to evil though i normally play a good character) i am new to Baldurs gate, though i've played many other bioware games such as dragon age, mass effect and one of my all time favorite games ever made KOTOR.
  • KefkaKefka Member Posts: 46
    @hellishreaper Just Neera, most romances are in the next game.
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    trying a neutral party. never done that. with Main Fighter/barb/sometinglikethat---Dorn---Rasaad---Neera(for the newness)---Viconia---Imoen....lets see how that works out ; P the classes down, but will they work together.^^? we will see
  • HellishreaperHellishreaper Member Posts: 5
    Has there been a confirmation that they're working on BG2:EE?
  • MillardkillmooreMillardkillmoore Member Posts: 150
    CHARNAME will be a Male LN Half-Orc Barbarian
    Imoen (kept as a pure thief)
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Gonna do an evil playthrough on my own first. Probably use my guy as a fighter/mage, Dorn, Shar-teel dual-classed to thief at fighter 6, Edwin, Viconia and I'll probably leave the last slot for Imoen until Baldur's Gate where I'll pick up Tiax.
  • KefkaKefka Member Posts: 46
    @hellishreaper Yeah, they'll definitely do BG2:EE, even if the first one is a commercial failure (which I doubt).
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2012
    thief haha ..
    or should i say good choice mr. ^^

    @Hellishreaper yes that is 100 % confirmed
  • MillardkillmooreMillardkillmoore Member Posts: 150
    I need a good thief and more than one mage is overkill. I want some degree of challenge by the endgame.

  • blonk30blonk30 Member Posts: 4
    Well probably have to do my a run with my original party. My fighter, Imoen, Minsc, Jaheira, Xan, and probably a choice between Rasaad or Dorn. I havent decided yet
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    I have actually chosen my PC class based on which NPCs I want to take. Originally I had been planning very seriously for a Cleric/Illusionist, but realised when I watched the trailer that I really couldn't live without having Quayle in my first party. So I'm going to gamely give the Jester kit a try as I've never played a bard before. I have in mind Yeslick, Imoen, Edwin and Rasaad for the others, not very balanced I know, so open the change.
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  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    may be my english.. but i was trying to say, that you choose the exact same party as me :)
  • Kang54Kang54 Member Posts: 58
    Me - fighter/thief
    Dorn or Neera. Will probably try out both.
  • GloktaGlokta Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2012
    Elf/Thief - no kit -

    Havent used Eldroth before, so i possibly end up using him, but time will tell.
    Obviously this is a evil playthrough, and yes, i plan to leave alot of corpses in my wake ;)

  • NadroirNadroir Member Posts: 50
    I'll probably end up making a party of all three alignments before I can finally pick one. >_<

    Assuming Neera is neutral...

    Good: me, Rasaad, Ajantis, Imoen, Branwen and maybe Minsc

    Neutral: Xan, me, Faldorn, Safana or Skie, Neera and Kivan (I just realised how few fighter type NPCs there are)

    Evil: Dorn, me, Montaron, Xzar, Shar-teel, Viconia and Kagain... if I decide to kill off Montaron or Xzar.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    It's gonna be six characters through the Black Pits the moment the game is released :

    Commander - Human Tank Fighter with Long Swords and Sword n' Shield Style
    Second in Command - Half elven Blade support damager
    The Priest - Dwarf Priest of Helm
    The Pyromaniac - Sorcerer Elf
    The Glass Cannon - Half Orc Barbarian damager
    The Bro - Gnome Fighter/Illusionist support archer

    We be doin' lots of death, cheese yeah we are!
  • MillardkillmooreMillardkillmoore Member Posts: 150

    I hadn't thought much about The Black Pits

    My party there will probably be:

    Half-Orc Barbarian
    Human Inquisitor
    Elven Archer
    Half-elf Sorceror
    Halfling Assassin
    Dwarven Cleric of Lathander

  • SwordsNotWordsSwordsNotWords Member Posts: 147
    This is a hard one. Haven't played BG1 in quite some time so I really fancied just doing a good ol' canon party run though, but after reading up on these 3 new characters I'm very tempted to stray from the canon path.
  • MarricMarric Member Posts: 53
    I've got two parties I was considering, and I might end up playing both side by side, to really get a feel for the alignment differences.

    Neutral Evil Half-Orc Fighter/Thief
    Sharteel (archer style)


    Chaotic Good Half-Elf Ranger Cleric
    Imoen (probably dual to thief at lvl 4)
  • MagykMagyk Member Posts: 11
    I'll be using what I used the first time I played BG1:

    Myself - Elf Mage (general)
    (saving the new NPCs for future playthroughs)

    Let the nostalgia ensue :)
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    CG half-elf Fighter-Mage
  • OgeeOgee Member Posts: 3
    I really liked Minsc. My wife's face when she'd here his sayings were priceless. I want to do an evil play though at some point, but I'll miss Minsc.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Kefka said:

    Just Neera, most romances are in the next game.

    Where did you get this information from?
    All three new NPCs will be romanceable already in BG:EE, albeit in the form of flirtations that will develop into full-blown romances in BG2:EE.

  • KefkaKefka Member Posts: 46
    @AndreaColombo He asked about female romanceable NPCs.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @Kefka - Oh. My bad, then.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    Eventually, I plan to end up with:

    PC: LE Human Female Necromancer

    I would go with Tiax so I could have every race in my party, but I like having Eldoth, since he'll have a better pick pockets score than Montaron, can cast illusion spells, and can use any weapon (his poisoned arrows are useful too). Plus, he has good taste in wine.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited November 2012
    I'll be playing with three different parties, and will carry all three CHARNAMEs over to BG2:EE.

    LG Female Human Paladin (Inquisitor)


    NG Male Half-elf Cleric/Ranger


    NE Male Elf Wild Mage
    Shar-Teel (or Kagain)
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    I'm also contemplating a "fun" party comprising the Rasaad/Viconia and Dorn/Tiax combos ... but I'll have to come up with a decent concept for CHARNAME and decide whether to keep Imoen as a Thief (perhaps I can swap her for Alora once I get to Baldur's Gate, since I have never tried her).
  • YathrinYathrin Member Posts: 70
    Perhaps the same setup I had in the original BG 1 thirteen years ago: Imoen, Khalid, Jaheera, and Xzar with Montaron. Maybe I will swap Xzar or Montaron with Viconia if she speaks some drow in the voice set. I have learned to understand and speak drow myself during the last two years while playing a multiplayer Baldur's Gate game and it will be fun to understand everything she says. I might consider taking Minsc if he can join the party in BG 1 because he is such a memorable character and unleashing him on monsters with dual blades was fun. I would pick someone else over Imoen but taking her along feels necessary for the sake of BG2:EE plot in the future.
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