Double Weapons

Double weapons are a tricky thing in NWN and they don't work like they ought to; each end of a double weapon is technically supposed to be made a "light category" weapon. This means that if the player has the Weapon Finesse feat, double weapons should be using the Dexterity modifier to hit.
Thanks for reading!
That said I do rather wish they matched up more with their PnP counter parts (the ability to toggle between using only one side of the weapon two handed and one handed would be a god send for characters focusing in such with the whole exotic feat requirement). Then again I rather wish they'd also let you use various medium weapons 2 handed.
That said if you want to treat a double weapon as a light weapon for weapon finesse and house rule it I do agree that weapon finesse should be modifiable for you (and everyone else) to add weapons they see fit fall into such.