Things the toolset REALLY needs for placeables

Hi Everyone.
Like a lot of you I got a bit wet in my nostalgia pouch when I heard NWN was coming back. I immediately recruited another old friend and we've set to work on....something, but it turns out my nostalgia was stupid and wrong because a lot of stuff in the toolset is utter garbage compaed to the NWN2 toolset. I think we REALLY need the below:
-Pleaceable scaling (I know, this is on its way), but I'd like to stress that scaling separately in each dimension feels super important. In NWN2 I was able to make huge ornate doorways out of placeables, in NWN1 I can scooch something into a nearby wall so it's not as long as I'd expect and fudge it into another placeable so it's less tall.
-Definite placeable positioning shouldn't require right-click adjust position, give me a toolbar for it so it doens't take days
-Some new placeable "walls" for each interior tileset which act as walls so you can shape rooms.
-Keyboard scrolling of the area. Moving my mouse to click arrow keys is weird
-Filter placeables
I love this game but I feel like some very small ambitions are outstripping the technology here.
Like a lot of you I got a bit wet in my nostalgia pouch when I heard NWN was coming back. I immediately recruited another old friend and we've set to work on....something, but it turns out my nostalgia was stupid and wrong because a lot of stuff in the toolset is utter garbage compaed to the NWN2 toolset. I think we REALLY need the below:
-Pleaceable scaling (I know, this is on its way), but I'd like to stress that scaling separately in each dimension feels super important. In NWN2 I was able to make huge ornate doorways out of placeables, in NWN1 I can scooch something into a nearby wall so it's not as long as I'd expect and fudge it into another placeable so it's less tall.
-Definite placeable positioning shouldn't require right-click adjust position, give me a toolbar for it so it doens't take days
-Some new placeable "walls" for each interior tileset which act as walls so you can shape rooms.
-Keyboard scrolling of the area. Moving my mouse to click arrow keys is weird
-Filter placeables
I love this game but I feel like some very small ambitions are outstripping the technology here.
Post edited by PaddyMaxson on
it already does definite position and orientation?
Hitting the NumLock 5 key zooms out like when loading an area.
Doing that also has the correct N-S, E-W alignment.
Very handy if you're working on multiple areas that are supposed to have logic to their orientations.
Using NumPad 2, 4, 6, 8 also lets you paint perfectly rectanglur triggers (double-click on the 3rd corner to finish it).
At the zoom level after hitting NumLock5, 1 hit on each NumLock direction keys is 2.5Meters
4 strokes in each direction would let you paint a trigger that covers exactly 1 tile.
(OOC: just wanted to add this info for completeness sake. Not to "necro" it)