Netheril: Age of Magic, a Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition Persistent World.

Greetings and welcome to Netheril: Age of Magic, a Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition Persistent World. Netheril is a roleplay server where everyone is welcome to log in and begin their characters journey where political intrigue and harsh lands await you.
Below is a little bit about our setting and everything you need to know to get started.

Currently, we are in the early stages of beta testing where we continue to add new custom content and stress test the existing systems. We hope that over the next week we can roll into an active beta stage where Roleplay will be enforced, content will continue to be rolled out during this time but there may still be the occasional bug. Characters that are made now, will not be wiped and you will be able to continue playing them past the beta stage.
Level Range: It will be possible to go from levels 2-13 and most of the players would sit around this level however it is possible to get to level 20 which will be the soft-cap. Progressing past level 20 will require player and DM support and generally will only be achieved by those characters who are renowned and champions of the world.
Systems: Netheril has a few unique systems with the plans to continue to develop more as we continue the content rollout. We feature a fully instanced quest system which allows players and their parties to delve into the darkest dungeons and save the fair maiden. A travel system for boats and airships where you may face off against pirates who board your boat or creatures who crash upon the decks. A death system that has the option to subdue your foe, a reputation system where your actions influence your standing within the city and surrounding lands, these are but a few we have on offer.
Spell Changes: On the next update we plan to roll out some changes to the spells these will include name changes to represent various mages during the Netheril era too new spells. These will all be listed on our forums when we roll them out.
Setting: This server is based around what the Netherese dubbed "The Golden Age" 1852 marks the beginning of Netheril's Golden Age when the nation was at the very pinnacle of its power. Our setting is focused mainly on the Floating Enclave dubbed "Valstiir" named after the Lady Archwizard that created it.
Common knowledge to all inhabitants of the City is that Lady Valstiir was gifted a vision by a mysterious oracle known as the "Terraseer".
The Seer spoke of a rich and prosperous land to the west, its earth filled with countless precious gems, forests and rivers and snow-topped mountains teeming with life and natural resources, ripe for the taking. The Archwizard council after much disagreement came to the conclusion that their newest of Archwizards, Lady Valstiir, and her city must follow this oracle's guidance and go to these blossoming lands where it now resides over the land-based city of Hadrian.
Where you can find more information:
Below is a little bit about our setting and everything you need to know to get started.

Currently, we are in the early stages of beta testing where we continue to add new custom content and stress test the existing systems. We hope that over the next week we can roll into an active beta stage where Roleplay will be enforced, content will continue to be rolled out during this time but there may still be the occasional bug. Characters that are made now, will not be wiped and you will be able to continue playing them past the beta stage.
Level Range: It will be possible to go from levels 2-13 and most of the players would sit around this level however it is possible to get to level 20 which will be the soft-cap. Progressing past level 20 will require player and DM support and generally will only be achieved by those characters who are renowned and champions of the world.
Systems: Netheril has a few unique systems with the plans to continue to develop more as we continue the content rollout. We feature a fully instanced quest system which allows players and their parties to delve into the darkest dungeons and save the fair maiden. A travel system for boats and airships where you may face off against pirates who board your boat or creatures who crash upon the decks. A death system that has the option to subdue your foe, a reputation system where your actions influence your standing within the city and surrounding lands, these are but a few we have on offer.
Spell Changes: On the next update we plan to roll out some changes to the spells these will include name changes to represent various mages during the Netheril era too new spells. These will all be listed on our forums when we roll them out.
Setting: This server is based around what the Netherese dubbed "The Golden Age" 1852 marks the beginning of Netheril's Golden Age when the nation was at the very pinnacle of its power. Our setting is focused mainly on the Floating Enclave dubbed "Valstiir" named after the Lady Archwizard that created it.
Common knowledge to all inhabitants of the City is that Lady Valstiir was gifted a vision by a mysterious oracle known as the "Terraseer".
The Seer spoke of a rich and prosperous land to the west, its earth filled with countless precious gems, forests and rivers and snow-topped mountains teeming with life and natural resources, ripe for the taking. The Archwizard council after much disagreement came to the conclusion that their newest of Archwizards, Lady Valstiir, and her city must follow this oracle's guidance and go to these blossoming lands where it now resides over the land-based city of Hadrian.
Where you can find more information:
Would love to see some of you there!
Metaplot events reveal information about the setting that most would not know, and give your characters huge opportunities to shape the way the world will grow.
This first plot will take place on Saturday, at 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time. To see what that translates to for you, go to:
All will be welcome to join us regardless of level, skills, or abilities. Join our forums at - Join our Discord at
Just an Update on things that have been added and changed ...
- New High Levels Quest, for both standard and monster races
- New areas to explore, from the Upperdark with Drow & Duergar to new Dungeons and Crypts plus many Hidden Exploration areas to be found with XP markers
- Monster Content Update - Cave of Rebirth and more quests
- Custom Loot on many Scripted quests
- In-depth Crafting system
- New Content and Updates added regularly to reflex changes to the setting and landscape
Drop by our Discord Channel - or Forums to ask questions and chat to the Community
Come and join the Community and start telling your story , with regular DM Events and support to help you along the way.
Saturday, July 6th, 2019 - Sunday, July 14th, 2019
Information and details on our forums
This server is based around what the Netherese dubbed "The Golden Age": 1852 marks the beginning of Netheril's Golden Age when the nation was at the very pinnacle of its power. Through the various characters that have shaped the world, we have seen changes take place. From Valstiir pulling back her forces and Hadrian the small port town undergoing various shifts in political power, and other changes in the surrounding lands.
Netheril Age of Magic is a world where character actions influence the way in which the world changes and grows, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad.
Changes are coming to Netheril: Age of Magic and it will never be the same again! A variety of additions will be made to our server in the coming weeks and months, with a few already implemented. New spells and deity-specific domains will add to the options and flavour of characters. Scripted quests, loot, merchants and open exploration areas are being added or revised. Some will be ‘Easter Eggs’ to encourage players to go out looking for them. To improve the theme of our persistent world, artwork of past and active characters will be added in-game and new haks will generally update the appearance of the world. Whether you are a new player or a returning one, there will be plenty of new things for you to discover.
Where you can find more information:
Netheril Player Handbook:
Searching For: Scripters, Area Design, DMs, Storytellers
Project Description: Netheril is currently re-establishing its starting location, setting, and lore for a relaunch. We are in the need of a few contributors who would like to join the team and help in fleshing out the world and systems. Netheril is an RP server, which we have based around Conch and the surrounding locations, a strong emphasis is placed on players' actions and their ability to have an impact on the world. If you would like the opportunity to get involved in a project I encourage you to reach out to myself or Tinker on here or discord to chat.