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What PWs would you be excited to play on again?

Similar to DrHappyAngry's thread on single player modules we all miss, what Persistent Worlds or Multiplayer Servers do you wish you could play on again?

I loved playing on all sorts of servers, but towards the end of my previous experience with NWN I was pretty into Roleplay. I had a particular fondness for the servers that featured permanent death as a mechanic, as I liked the feeling of actual danger for my character and the challenges it brought. Some of my favorites were the zombie survival servers.

Additionally, I killed a ton of time in the dungeon crawling PWs, even though I was largely doing the same thing over and over I found it so satisfying every time I found some marginally better piece of gear.

I don't remember what the servers were referred to as, or what any of the big-name ones were, but I also enjoyed the PvP servers that were set up like capture the flag - looking back, they were kind of similar to how games like DOTA and LoL work nowadays.


  • NytelockNytelock Member Posts: 23
    Would love to see CEP Nexus and Shadow Mountain back.
    Also there was a great RP server I used to play on I "think" it was called Krossfire but not 100%.
  • AtrophiedericAtrophiederic Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 148
    I still play on The World of Aenea, a custom world created by @TheAmethystDragon. He's currently working on a bunch of upgrades, including tilesets. It's truly a great time to play NwN, amirite?
  • TheAmethystDragonTheAmethystDragon Member Posts: 86
    edited March 2018

    I still play on The World of Aenea, a custom world created by @TheAmethystDragon. He's currently working on a bunch of upgrades, including tilesets. It's truly a great time to play NwN, amirite?

    :) Thanks for the mention, @Atrophiederic , though I think Faerûn was referring to servers that are no longer online but people wish they were.
  • FaerûnFaerûn Member Posts: 39
    Shadow Mountain was a good one!

    @Atrophiederic servers that have held the test of time are great for discussion too - thanks for sharing! I'll be sure to look it up and give it a try.

    I played on Ravenloft very briefly back in the day and I know that's still around too. Props to the teams of the modules that have stuck around - they have very dedicated staff. (:
  • AtrophiedericAtrophiederic Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 148
    Sorry, @Faerûn, i didn't mean to hijack the thread! Apologies to all, and if I recall correctly, Shadow Mountain was one I was very interested in playing on - could never get connected, though!
  • PhantomizerPhantomizer Member Posts: 76
    A Ring of Power and Destiny Unknown, I forgot the author's name, but those were top notch PWs...shame they never got the attention they deserved.
  • FaerûnFaerûn Member Posts: 39
    @Atrophiederic Not at all! It fell within the discussion I think. I do wonder how easily some of these older servers will pick up new players, though. With some of their PCs dating over 10 years old, it would feel especially difficult to compete! This is a question that I suppose may be better directed @TheAmethystDragon.

    I've noticed a slight uptick in servers, particularly Roleplay ones, being put up on EE in just the past few days. I'm excited to see what we're working with in the first week or two of the official release. I'm considering trying to make a server myself if I find the time! I wish there was a good way for me to advertise the game.

    As for some of these old PWs we're discussing, I don't recognize a lot of the names. I'm curious as to which was more popular back in the day - action PW, or Roleplay. I think I spread my time pretty evenly between the two, and as I mentioned before, I think a lot of the servers I favored in the end sported both as well.
  • GodsBaneGodsBane Member Posts: 2
    There's so many that bring back some awesome nostalgia.

    Tek Knights
    Myth Drannor
    Old Khan

    Just to name a few!
  • SulacoSulaco Member Posts: 4
    Im very excited to relive some NWN with new content. While it didnt have perma death i played on a server for a long time called Aventia. I would love to see that world again, while not likely i am very excited to see what beamdog has done to bring new life into such an amazing title.
  • FaerûnFaerûn Member Posts: 39
    Same here Sulaco! I'm hoping that come this week we'll have an influx of new and returning players. Here's hoping!
  • SweetnessSweetness Member Posts: 7
    Loved Zombie Survivals as well! You should check out some of the ones that are up now. Hint hint. ;)
  • chriswomchriswom Member Posts: 1
    Good grief, The Three Kingdoms server really shaped me in terms of role play, and I'd love to see that come back! Huge shout out to DM Stargazer and DM Lucky for always making awesome and memorable story events. I wonder if anyone of them are still around, or playing the EE? I would even reprise the role of the Half-Elf Bard, Yashvin Volokhonsky for their merriment!
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    Mossbourne. A fantastic PW, great staff, super cool people who frequented it. Yeah, I’d play Mossbourne again, as long as many of the same people were there.
  • R0GUER0GUE Member Posts: 27
    Mithral Hammer was the best. I made a lot of good friends there. Myth Drannor was also fun, but a little more hardcore.
  • DMVeilDMVeil Member Posts: 5
    Back in 2004 when I started playing I found a server called Defiance - Mine's of Tashidar that was just wonderful. It was the right mix of action hack & slash and roleplaying that made me love the game and all my fondest memories are from that server. It was never that big though that I remember, usually like 20 people on it during its hay day.
  • RowdyRetroMooseRowdyRetroMoose Member Posts: 1
    It wasn't anything incredible in terms of systems, but it was a fun community and setting. Battledale: Pilgrim's Rest would be great to see revived. The original version.
  • BaldrickkBaldrickk Member Posts: 3
    So many good Pw's back in the day, unused to play alot on Ashen realm, spent many a day on there and then when I needed a hack n slash fix I would play on one of the many LOTR servers. Neversummer was also somewhere to go smash stuff up
  • WowImAliveWowImAlive Member Posts: 1
    I am extremely sad to see that Narcs Bonds of Blood is no longer running. That server has so many good memories.
  • MerrepiMerrepi Member Posts: 6
    World of Arleah was great. Is still up?
  • TheSupremeForceTheSupremeForce Member Posts: 4
    I'll always have a soft spot for the Moonshae Isles server. Of all of the servers I've tried, those isles were my favorite setting.
  • AaezilAaezil Member Posts: 178
    orb of abrogation

    loved that server
  • AaezilAaezil Member Posts: 178
    and OH MY GOD they are bringing orb of abrogation back from the dead apparently... So happy right now
  • RecklessfireballRecklessfireball Member Posts: 9
    The Silver Marches was one of my faves, back in the day. I server hopped a lot, though. There was so much to choose from back then, and I had to try them all. 8D
  • icywind1980icywind1980 Member Posts: 11
    I'd definitely love to see Neversummer 3.5, Demon Realms, The Dalelands and Soul Forge on EE.
  • KrakenKraken Member Posts: 2
    The CEP Nexus was the one i used to play on 15 years ago, and is back up under EE.

    interested in what others get suggested.
  • Merago_JertMerago_Jert Member Posts: 4
    Avlis was a huge time sink for me for many years, although they are still a wee bit away from an NWN:EE release yet I gather :( . Silver Spire was another great PW that I spent a lot of time on. Tairisnadur, Catara, Cormyr and the Dalelands I enjoyed too.
  • DallianceHitherDallianceHither Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2019
    I would like to play Winterhaven again, as an adult and not a moody teenager.

    It just was a super clever server at the time (2003-2008ish), consistently well-built and it used a feature of the door system to change out dungeons after so many hours of server runtime. Some of them had 2 - 4 variants. Like maybe just bears, then 24 real hours later, it would be full of kobolds, having excavated it out and extended the dungeon, maybe unearthing a passage to the unending giant dungeon, etc. Other unique features, too.

    My other choices would be all the RP heavy, low level ones, but without all the drama or corrupt/inept admins and cliquey players, and of course not as a moody teen this time, too.
    Post edited by DallianceHither on
  • SnafulatorSnafulator Member Posts: 27
    Kraken said:

    The CEP Nexus was the one i used to play on 15 years ago, and is back up under EE.

    interested in what others get suggested.

    Kraken said:

    The CEP Nexus was the one i used to play on 15 years ago, and is back up under EE.

    interested in what others get suggested.

    Do you mean stormnexus? I was confused by both the module naming and the server naming (Prime WoW?), but have started playing there again a little :)
  • EredruieEredruie Member Posts: 7

    It wasn't anything incredible in terms of systems, but it was a fun community and setting. Battledale: Pilgrim's Rest would be great to see revived. The original version.

    Ok so it's not quiiiiite old BD, but Cormanthor ( is set in the same region and harks back to BD with its low-magic rural feel.

    I am an old player and DM from Battledale and Battledale 2:Thiriun's Legacy (you might remember me as BattleSwan) and we do have some ex-BD players with us on Corm :smile:
  • ricoyungricoyung Member Posts: 83
    Sulaco said:

    Im very excited to relive some NWN with new content. While it didnt have perma death i played on a server for a long time called Aventia. I would love to see that world again, while not likely i am very excited to see what beamdog has done to bring new life into such an amazing title.

    Aventia is still running, I am a player there at present, but for now, using the 1.69 NWN the only way to play there.
    The admin would like to go EE, but is no dev there at present and afraid to break everything, he wants a clear np path or guide for the migration. *I can't fault him for that.
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