Monster Encounters In Single Player mods: Should they respawn or not?

So this Is something I've been thinking about and contemplating as I get to the point of working on encounters for my mod, In a PW, for me the answer Is pretty obviously, that encounters, should, without a doubt, respawn. But In a Single Player mod, should they? Do you feel that respawning encounters creates a loophole for players to power level through the mod, when It wasn't Intended to be played like that? or do you feel that It just gives the player an extra option to beef up a little, for example, In cases where a player Is playing as a slightly weaker class?
Thoughts, Ideas and suggestions are welcome!
Thoughts, Ideas and suggestions are welcome!
While respawning is unnecessary in SP, there are pros and cons. Used sparingly, it can add spice to areas with an obvious source of reinforcement, such as deep forest, especially if new and unexpected foes appear on the return journey. Over-worked, it can easily become boring. Worst case is the killer dungeon, where respawns trap the player in the depths with insufficient resources to fight their way out again.
Making it fun is all that really matters.
In my book they are number 2 on my all time list of most hated features in a module.
Guess what Is TR’s most hated mod feature!’
(Congrats on the Tshirt!!!)