Suggestion: Enhanced Rogue Trap Customisation

Please consider adding to / enhancing the feature set of the deployable trap system as used by rogues:
Desirable features include:
- An improved step-by-step process of creating a wider range of traps through the toolset.
- Being able to save a toolset trap to a profile and thereafter to a DM hotbar.
- Improved world item representation of traps (placeables with animations).
- Ability to hook core and custom spell effects of a desired caster level to traps.
- Being able to earn XP from trap kills (trap ownership by player setting trap).
- Being able to add a pop-up text emote describing the trap's nature and action. e.g. ("A pendulum axe of Orcish design swings down from the ceiling in a devastating arc.")
Thoughts / ideas welcome from fellow rogue players / scripters / DM's on what they think of current trap implimentation and how they think it might be improved.
Desirable features include:
- An improved step-by-step process of creating a wider range of traps through the toolset.
- Being able to save a toolset trap to a profile and thereafter to a DM hotbar.
- Improved world item representation of traps (placeables with animations).
- Ability to hook core and custom spell effects of a desired caster level to traps.
- Being able to earn XP from trap kills (trap ownership by player setting trap).
- Being able to add a pop-up text emote describing the trap's nature and action. e.g. ("A pendulum axe of Orcish design swings down from the ceiling in a devastating arc.")
Thoughts / ideas welcome from fellow rogue players / scripters / DM's on what they think of current trap implimentation and how they think it might be improved.
- Being able to add a pop-up text emote describing the trap's nature and action. e.g. ("A pendulum axe of Orcish design swings down from the ceiling in a devastating arc.")
Love this idea, you could get some good flavor text and work in stuff from old PnP modules or more tied into your location.