Whoa, the Stalker gets his x2 backstab from level 1?

Looking over the manual and saw that the Stalker's backstab reads:
"May use Backstab ability, although for a lower damage multiplier than Thieves:
o Level 1-8: x2
o Level 9-16: x3
o Level 17+: x4"
Is it me, or is this awesome? A typo, perhaps?
"May use Backstab ability, although for a lower damage multiplier than Thieves:
o Level 1-8: x2
o Level 9-16: x3
o Level 17+: x4"
Is it me, or is this awesome? A typo, perhaps?
1-8: x1
9-16: x2
17+: x3
Is that manual misprinted or did the multiplier go up?
The old manual and kit description were wrong. The Stalker always got x2 backstab from level 1.
Also will we be able to dual stalkers into backstabbing clerics with druid spells?
Stalker > Cleric also gets haste and a few other nifty spells added to their spellbook, which is yummy.
err, see what I did there? An Archer not using a bow is a pointless arrow... but an archer using slings in and its blunt bullets...
OK bullets are missile, but STILL!
1-8: x2
9-16: x3
17+: x4
1-16: x2
17+: x3
Why would anyone bother to go through the backstabbing process just to do normal damage, why would such a thing as backstab x1 even exist?
Which makes me curious. Does anyone know if the bonus to attacking from invisibilty is something only thieves get? Or if I cast invisibility on a fighter, and have them attack someone, would they get a bonus to hit on their first strike too?
We changed it to x2 to reflect that it's a multiplier. So nothing's changed in the mechanics; it's just written out differently now.
The bonus for attacking an invisible opponent is the same whether you're a thief or a wizard.