Does your character's looks matter to you?

When you play the OC do you want to role play as someone good looking or does looks not matter?
- Does your character's looks matter to you?54 votes
- I want to be good looking/attractive.64.81%
- Looks don't matter. I don't mind being ugly.18.52%
- Jill Sandwich.16.67%
Charisma is about force of personality and ability to influence other people.
Anyway despite that I would like to know if your or anyone's character likes to role play as somebody good looking.
As for Charisma, while the OC did have three specific ranges for how NPCs treated you, it was my understanding that anything over 10 was considered "above average". Over 15 would be beautiful. That said, I don't think that your ability score should necessarily affect how your character appears - you know, assuming that was a reasonable endeavor.
All that being said what I'd like to see is all the playable heads which have hats and cloaks and adornments on them replaced with new high quality heads mainly in the style of Sharwin 2 with varying hairstyles. Same for males, remove the hats and such and add a few more decent not "odd" heads like the first one but perhaps a little different hairstyles.
I usually play as sorcerers so... They have to look good! That's why I ported over those heads