How to upload to steam workshop?
Member Posts: 1
I can't seem to figure this out. Thought it would have an upload under work shop and select a file ect?
Ok, I'm done >_>
On my steam workshop I would like to replace an old utilies.erf file with a new utilities.hak file but i'm not sure how. I don't want to delete the old file as I fear that will mess up any subscribers. I want the subscribers to get the new file and lose the old one.
How can I do that?
If the answer is " I don't want to delete the old file as I fear that will mess up any subscribers" then include both the erf and the hak in the upload. The erf will be harmless to any new subscribers, who can be invited to ignore it.
If the decision is "I want the subscribers to get the new file and lose the old one". include the hak but not the erf in the upload. That way, the erf will be deleted from subscribers' Steam folders.
Of course, if subscribers have moved files to other folders (such as Docments), which they might well do for convenience, it is at their own risk and you have no control over that.
Or does each upload essentially overwrite all previous uploads treating each as if they had the same root folder? Since each upload to the workshop creates a new workshop listing that would not make sense.
So when you upload a Workshop Item, it changes the files for that Item only. If you omit a file which was present when first uploaded, it will be deleted.
If you don't have a record of what you uploaded, subscribe to your stuff, then look in the Steam Workshop folders (which are cryptically numbered, but contain exactly the subfolders you uploaded).
You can't alter the content of one Workshop Item by uploading another.
Conflict may occur if two Workshop Items include files with the same name and subfolder, of course.
I have a file in a Workshop Item called Player Utilities with a file called erf/utilies.erf which I want to remove and replace with hak/utilities.hak, but it looks like a bunch of people have subscribed to that workshop item so I can't just hit the workshop delete button without possibly messing them up (though I'm not really sure it would since it's an erf file and not a hak or an override).
Deleting an erf can't break anything someone else has built - either they have imported it, and are now using their own copy in their module, or else they haven't, in which case, no loss. Having said that, is there any need to remove the erf? You could just add the hak, with a note saying the erf is still there for backward compatibility but no longer recommended.
I ended up doing something like that but I wanted to know how to delete/update stuff in general anyway.